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Applications of BBa_K2812007
This part has been used in the project of TU Eindhoven 2018. In this project, this part was used to enable E. coli bacteria that are tethered to a dextran hydrogel to continuously secrete pyocin S5 upon addition of arabinose. This living hydrogel was used as a patch to fight against P. aeruginosa in the treatment of chronic and burn wounds. Unfortunately, the functional activity of the part was not demonstrated in this project. See the main page of this part for the experimental characterisation. Please visit our [http://2018.igem.org/Team:TU-Eindhoven wiki] for more information.
User Reviews
UNIQ98b0b2458c5d6c3e-partinfo-00000000-QINU UNIQ98b0b2458c5d6c3e-partinfo-00000001-QINU