Toehold S


Designed by: Janet Standeven, Abby Bell, Megan Hong, Yan Zhang, Courtney Taing, Ashtyn Cauffman   Group: iGEM18_Lambert_GA   (2018-10-08)

T7 promoter Toehold Ribosome Switch with LacZ expression

Lambert iGEM obtained a LacZ toehold construct assembled with a T7 promoter from the Styczynski Lab at Georgia Institute of Technology. The Toehold sequence used in the LacZ construct was obtained from the second entry in the 144 first generation orthogonal toehold switches collection from the 2017 Green etal paper. Following this unique toehold sequence is the LacZ operon. We introduced a base pair wobble in the LacZ gene that substituted an Adenine for a Guanine. The wobble mutation sequence was obtained from the Styczynski Lab at the Georgia Institute of Technology and was used to eliminate the illegal EcoRI site in the LacZ operon.