

Designed by: Ivan Gyulev   Group: iGEM15_York   (2015-09-17)

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Applications of BBa_K1807003

Figure 1. Graph showing the phosphate concentration within the cell lysate of 10^8, cells for 5 different ppk variants after 6 hours; ; Δppk Ap SK12 - Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis SK-12 strain ppk variant, Δppk Ap UW1- Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis UW-1 strain ppk variant, Δppk Ap BA91- Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis BA-91 strain ppk variant, Δ ppk is Escherichia coli with ppk knockout using kanamycin KEIO collection. BW25113 is the Escherichia coli strain used for the experiment. One way ANOVA was used and overall there was a statistically significant difference between groups and post-hoc LSD was used; NS signifies no statistical significance, *** signifies p<0.001. (ANOVA: F=48.503; d.f. = 14, p<0.001) Results were measured using a BMG FLUOstar Omega plate reader at OD650 and concentrations calculated from known phosphate concentration standards.

Figure 2. Graph showing uptake of phosphate after 6 hours from the media for 5 different ppk variants standardized against cell amount (1 OD600); Δppk Ac SK12 - Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis SK-12 strain ppk variant, Δppk Ac UW1- Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis UW-1 strain ppk variant, Δppk Ac BA91- Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis BA91 strain ppk variant, Δ ppk is Escherichia coli with ppk knockout using kanamycin KEIO collection. BW25113 is the Escherichia coli strain used for the experiment. One way ANOVA was used and the result showed overall there was statistically significant different. Post-hoc LSD was used; NS signifies no statistical significance, * signifies p<0.05. (ANOVA: F=3.810; d.f. = 14, p<0.05) Results were measured using a BMG FLUOstar Omega plate reader at OD650 and concentrations calculated from known phosphate concentration standards.


The Ap PPK BA-91 protein generator does show very significant increase in phosphate uptake/storage.

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