Scaffold (G-S-P)
Usage and Biology The protein scaffold consists of three different protein binding domains namely the GBD (BBa_K1497024), SH3 (BBa_K1497025) and PDZ (BBa_K1497026) domains. The domains can be linked together in any number and in any order. Therefore, a broad variety of scaffold proteins can be constructed from the initial domains depending on the application. The scaffold protein shown here consists of all domains in the order GBD1SH31PDZ1 or GSP for short. The coding sequence was optimized for the expression in E. coli and revised for the usage as a BioBrick. |
![]() Figure 1: 3D-structure of the protein scaffold, created with PHYRE2 based on structure-homology-modeling. |
![]() Figure 2: Model of a scaffold´s function. The domains are connected with a linker. They are able to build up a tight bound with enzymes assigned with a proper ligand. The educt is channeled through the enzymes and converted to the product. |
The protein scaffold is an assembly platform for ligand coupled target enzymes. It was designed by the Keasling Lab in 2009 in order to improve the yield and production rate of metabolic processes. The association of target enzymes with the scaffold mimic naturally occurring catalysation cascades. In these, reaction efficiencies are optimized through the passing on of intermediates between co-located enzymes. |
Sequence and Features
- 21INCOMPATIBLE WITH RFC[21]Illegal BamHI site found at 859
- 25INCOMPATIBLE WITH RFC[25]Illegal AgeI site found at 76
Illegal AgeI site found at 199 - 1000COMPATIBLE WITH RFC[1000]
Dueber, John E.; Wu, Gabriel C.; Malmirchegini, G. Reza; Moon, Tae Seok; Petzold, Christopher J.; Ullal, Adeeti V. et al. (2009): Synthetic protein scaffolds provide modular control over metabolic flux. In Nat. Biotechnol. 27 (8), pp. 753–759. DOI: 10.1038/nbt.1557.