Applications of BBa_K1431834
After we constructed this part, we tranformed into BL21 & DH5α to test expression effeciency. In the meantime, we did a comparison between BBa_K1431834 and BBa_K1431824 whose RBS is BBa_B0031, a relatively weak RBS.
LB agar plate growth comparison
We spread the plate for BL21 at 10:00am on 15th, Oct and DH5α at 11:00am on 15th, Oct. The plate contains 34ug/ml chloramphenicol. Following pictures were taken every several hours after placing the plates into a 37℃ incubator.
JA is J23100,JB is J23106.
At 00:30 (16th,Oct.)
At 1:50 (16th,Oct.)
At 3:00 (16th,Oct.)
At 6:00 (16th,Oct.)
At 7:40 (16th,Oct.)
At 8:00 (16th,Oct.)
At 10:00 (16th,Oct.)
At 11:20 (16th,Oct.)
LB broth growth comparison
We isolated single colonies from the plates and incubate in 2ml LB broth with 34ug/ml chloramphenicol. Then we isolated single colonies from the plates.
At 00:50 (17th,Oct.)
At 02:45 (17th,Oct.)
At 04:55 (17th,Oct.)
At 10:40 (17th,Oct.)
With observation, expression of BBa_K1431834 is stronger than BBa_K1431824.
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UNIQ3dc9a86ea6075425-partinfo-00000000-QINU UNIQ3dc9a86ea6075425-partinfo-00000001-QINU