Status: 500 Content-type: text/html

Software error:

Global symbol "$groups" requires explicit package name at /websites/ line 84.
Global symbol "$groups" requires explicit package name at /websites/ line 84.
Global symbol "$groups" requires explicit package name at /websites/ line 85.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 11.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 11.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 12.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 12.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 10.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 10.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 9.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 9.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 8.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 8.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 9.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 9.

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Applications of BBa_J45180

J45992 was characterized by measuring flourescence intensity of the in a plate reader. The characterization device was BBa_J45995. In figure A, the absorbance, which is proportional to cell density, is plotted against fluorescence, or roughly the number of GFP molecules present in the culture. It is seen in the graph that J45995 (J45992.E0840) exhibits a much higher level of fluorescence during stationary phase (Absorbance>0.5, see figure B) than during exponential phase (yellow line). Additionally, J45992 was attached to an inverter (BBa_Q04401) and the signal was effectively turned off at stationary phase (green line).

Figure A - J45992 chracterization (yellow), with signal inverted (green), with control constitutive promoter (grey), and with no fluorescent protein coding region (purple)
Figure B - Graph shows that cell reach stationary phase at absorbance ~0.5

NOTE: J45180 uses J45993 (the weaker, truncated version of J45992). J45992 is actually the tested part shown in the above graphs. The weaker osmY promoter was used because we wanted the J45180 output to be overpowered by J45250 out in stationary phase of the a final cell containing both J45180 and J45250.

User Reviews

Status: 500 Content-type: text/html

Software error:

Global symbol "$groups" requires explicit package name at /websites/ line 84.
Global symbol "$groups" requires explicit package name at /websites/ line 84.
Global symbol "$groups" requires explicit package name at /websites/ line 85.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 12.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 12.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 9.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 9.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 8.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 8.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 12.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 12.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 8.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 8.

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Status: 500 Content-type: text/html

Software error:

Global symbol "$groups" requires explicit package name at /websites/ line 84.
Global symbol "$groups" requires explicit package name at /websites/ line 84.
Global symbol "$groups" requires explicit package name at /websites/ line 85.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 12.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 12.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 9.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 9.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 8.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 8.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 12.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 12.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 8.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 8.

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