Designed by: Perry Tsai Group: iGEM06_Harvard (2006-10-29)
This experience page is provided so that any user may enter their experience using this part.
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how you used this part and how it worked out.
Applications of BBa_J36851
User Reviews
The [http://2009.igem.org/Team:Washington 2009 University of Washington iGEM Team] tried to use this part to display strepavidin on the surface of the cell, and could not determine significant binding of cells expressing this part to biotin by either flow cytometry or microscopy. For details, see this part's main page or the 2009 UW iGEM wiki.
UNIQ4176bbd68e234479-partinfo-00000000-QINU UNIQ4176bbd68e234479-partinfo-00000001-QINU