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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
00:15, 17 October 2014 TetR repressors(FCB UANL 2014).JPG (file) 25 KB Effect of TetR repressors to BBa_K1140003. K1480003, K1480004 and K1480005 were constructed by the team UANL_Mty-Mexico during 2014 in College of Biological Sciences (FCB). 1
21:45, 16 October 2014 Ptet + mCherry.JPG (file) 17 KB   1
21:18, 28 October 2013 UANL37Ccultures2013.jpg (file) 400 KB   1
21:11, 28 October 2013 UANL averageRNAT37.png (file) 78 KB   1
21:10, 28 October 2013 AverageRNAT37.png (file) 17 KB   1
21:09, 28 October 2013 U6secondarystructure.png (file) 74 KB   1
21:07, 28 October 2013 UANLspiderchart.jpg (file) 170 KB   1
01:15, 28 September 2013 RFPThermo.png (file) 5 KB RFP graphics RNA thermometer 1