Part:BBa_K4032001 Deleted

Revision as of 09:14, 19 October 2021 by Tsugumi (Talk | contribs)

No part name specified with partinfo tag.

This part contains sequences of fuse protein of amylase and RFP.

This enzyme hydrolyzes of (1-4)-alpha-D-glycosidic linkages in polysaccharides containing three or more (1-4)-alpha-linked D-glucose units. Red fluorescence of RFP is observed under the fluorescence microscope.

This part expresses the fuse protein of amylase (from BBa_K523006) and RFP (from BBa_J04450). We removed the stop codon of amylase and the start codon of RFP.

We also created BBa_K40320xx by adding RBS to this part. We also created BBa_K40321xx by adding lac promoter and RBS and double terminator to this part.

Sequence and Features No part name specified with partinfo tag.

There is no part with the name BBa K4032001.