BioScaffold Parts

Revision as of 22:31, 27 December 2008 by Norville (Talk | contribs)

BioScaffold parts are BioBrick parts that contain restriction sites that enable their full or partial removal from a BioBrick assembly.

class α parts: cut outside of scars surrounding the BioScaffold part
class β parts: cut within scars surrounding BioScaffold part
class γ parts: cut only within the BioScaffold part
mixed parts: contain properties of several classes

BBa_K1362095pSB4A50: Low copy BioBrick cloning/expression backbone carrying Amp resistanceApSC101~5 3446
BBa_K1362096pSB4C50: Low(?) copy BioBrick cloning/expression backbone carrying Cm resistanceCpSC101unsure 3408
BBa_K1362097Low copy BioBrick expression backbone carrying Kan resistanceKpSC101~5 3470
BBa_K864000Low copy BioBrick standard vectorApSC101~5 3639
BBa_K864001Low copy BioBrick standard vectorCpSC101~5 3466
BBa_K864002Low copy BioBrick standard vectorKpSC101~5 3663
BBa_K864003Low copy BioBrick standard vectorSpSC101~5 3793
BBa_K864004Low copy BioBrick standard vectorApSC101~5 3708
BBa_K864005Low copy BioBrick standard vectorCpSC101~5 3534
BBa_K864006Low copy BioBrick standard vectorKpSC101~5 3732
BBa_K864007Low copy BioBrick standard vectorSpSC101~5 3861
BBa_K864008Low copy BioBrick standard vector with LacIApSC101~5 4819
BBa_K864009Low copy BioBrick standard vector with LacICpSC101~5 4646
BBa_K864010Low copy BioBrick standard vector with LacIKpSC101~5 4843
BBa_K864011Low copy BioBrick standard vector with LacISpSC101~5 4973
BBa_K864012Low copy BioBrick standard vector with LacIApSC101~5 4888
BBa_K864013Low copy BioBrick standard vector with LacICpSC101~5 4714
BBa_K864014Low copy BioBrick standard vector with LacIKpSC101~5 4912
BBa_K864015Low copy BioBrick standard vector with LacISpSC101~5 5041
BBa_K864016Low copy BioBrick temperature sensitive standard vectorApSC101ts~5 3639
BBa_K864017Low copy BioBrick temperature sensitive standard vectorCpSC101ts~5 3466
BBa_K864018Low copy BioBrick temperature sensitive standard vectorKpSC101ts~5 3663
BBa_K864019Low copy BioBrick temperature sensitive standard vectorSpSC101ts~5 3793
BBa_K864020Low copy BioBrick temperature sensitive standard vectorApSC101ts~5 3708
BBa_K864021Low copy BioBrick temperature sensitive standard vectorCpSC101ts~5 3534
BBa_K864022Low copy BioBrick temperature sensitive standard vectorKpSC101ts~5 3732
BBa_K864023Low copy BioBrick temperature sensitive standard vectorSpSC101ts~5 3861
pSB3C5Low to medium copy BioBrick standard vectorCp15A10-12 2738
pSB3K5Low to medium copy BioBrick standard vectorKp15A10-12 2936
pSB3T5Low to medium copy BioBrick standard vectorTp15A10-12 3252
pSB4A5Low copy BioBrick standard vectorApSC101~5 3395
pSB4C5Low copy BioBrick standard vectorCpSC101~5 3221
pSB4K5Low copy BioBrick standard vectorKpSC101~5 3419
pSB4T5Low copy BioBrick standard vectorTpSC101~5 3735