Featured Parts:RNA-Lock-and-Key

Revision as of 04:43, 19 April 2006 by Smelissali (Talk | contribs) (The Parts)

The Parts

Bba_J01008 - ("key 1") Biobricked version of Isaacs' riboregulator trans activating key, taR12
Bba_J01010 - ("lock 1") Biobricked version of Isaacs' riboregulator cis repressed lock, crR12.
Bba_J01080 - ("lock 3") Modified version of J01010
Bba_J01086 - ("key 3") Modified version of J01008

Background: How the Riboregulator Works

Suggested Uses for these Biobricks

Experimental and Technical


Previous Experiments


  • Isaacs, Dwyer DJ, Ding C, Pervouchine DD, Cantor CR, Collins JJ. "Engineered riboregulators enable post-transcriptional control of gene expression" Pubmed Journal