Designed by: Mario Delgadillo Group: iGEM21_Humboldt_Berlin (2021-10-01)
Revision as of 12:59, 17 October 2021 by Martje1998 (Talk | contribs)
hilA<\i>, together with hilC<\i> and hilD<\i>, are global regulators and control the expression of the Salmonella<\i> pathogenicity island I(SPI-1) genes in S<\i>. typhimurium on which the SPI-1 T3SS injectisome is encoded (Widmaier et al., 2009). Over 25 genes that are needed for host invasion are located on the SPI-1 (Darwin and Miller, 1999). Also, hilA<\i> activates SPI-1 operon mediated by the prg and inv promoters (Bajaj and Lee et al., 1995; Bajaj et al., 1996).hilA<\i> controls SPI<\i> genes in response to enviromental needs like pH and oxygen levels (Ahmer et al., 1999; Bajaj et al., 1996, Main-Hester et al., 2008).
Sequence and Features
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