DNA Synthesis

Revision as of 20:27, 2 June 2015 by Vinoo (Talk | contribs)

IDT is proud to sponsor iGEM in 2015 and offer 20 kb of free custom DNA!

Once again, we are excited to partner with iGEM to help participating teams achieve their project goals.

IDT is offering 20 kb of DNA as gBlocks® Gene Fragments free of charge to each iGEM 2015 team. This offer will be effective April 1, 2015 for 2015 teams whose registrations have been accepted by iGEM (restrictions may apply in some countries). Please register here. After registration you will receive an email with instructions on how to order within 5 business days.

Learn how CRISPR Genome Editing can be used to easily modify genomic sequences, as well as implementing CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in cell culture.

If you missed our webinar "iGEM Success Using High Quality Gene Fragments" in April you can watch the video and download the presentation slides. We will also have another webinar June 24th. More information and the video can be found at our registration page.

Learn more about our gBlocks® Gene Fragments