
Designed by: Lingling Liao   Group: iGEM19_SZU-China   (2019-10-13)
Revision as of 23:14, 16 October 2019 by LLL (Talk | contribs)

M. micrantha_leaves_ Unigene0029128

This is a single-stranded DNA that can be cyclized by T7 promoter, since it has two sites complementary to T7 promoter. It can transcribe RNA interference (RNAi) molecule by rolling circle transcription, which can silence the gene encoding chlorophyll A-B binding family protein AB80 of M. micrantha, through which we can block this essential matabolic gene expression to kill such invasive weed.

Sequence and Features

Assembly Compatibility:
  • 10
  • 12
  • 21
  • 23
  • 25
  • 1000

SZU-China 2019 iGEM team

SZU-China 2019 iGEM team decides to synthesize the Micrancide, an RNAi-based herbicide for M. micrantha, to remove the weed by silencing the essential metabolic gene of it through RNA interference (RNAi) technology.

RNA interference technology

Short-interfering RNAs suppress gene expression through a highly regulated enzyme-mediated process called RNA interference (RNAi). RNAi is a biological process in which RNA molecules inhibit gene expression or translation, by neutralizing targeted mRNA molecules. It involves multiple RNA-protein interactions characterized by four major steps:

1. Assembly of siRNA with the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC)

2. Activation of the RISC
3. Target recognition
4. Target cleavage of mRNA
Hence, inspired by successful examples of RNAi technology, we decided to apply RNAi technology to the development of the herbicide for M. micrantha. ===Usage and Biology=== It is a single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) that can be cyclized by the T7 promoter since it has two sites complementary to the T7 promoter (Fig.1). It can transcribe RNA interference (RNAi) molecule, ex. '''RNAi nanoparticles''', by rolling circle transcription.
Fig.1 Schematic representation of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)

The RNAi nanoparticles are totally made of hairpin RNA, which are cleavable into countless siRNAs. This DNA sequence containing two regions that could be transcribed into a hairpin siRNA via T7 RNA polymerase, which would be cut into different kinds of siRNAs we need by Dicer enzyme inside the weed. We first phosphorylate the ssDNA and then cyclize the ssDNA to form a closed circle. Through the rolling circle transcription of the circle sequence, there were half-million of hairpin siRNA precursors linking together and packing to form a nanoball, the RNAi nanoparticle (Fig.2).

Fig.2 Schematic representation of self-assembled RNAi nanoparticles

The gel electrophoresis image of cyclized ssDNA and the RNAi nanoparticles are as follows (Fig.3, 4). Lane 5 of Fig.4 is this sequence’s GE image of RNAi nanoparticles.

Fig.3 The gel electrophoresis image of cyclized ssDNA
Fig.4 The gel electrophoresis image of RNAi nanoparticles

Then we observed the morphology of the synthesized RNAi nanoparticles under scanning electron microscope. We saw the nanoball with thousands of pleated sheet structures, which were the folded hairpin siRNAs (Fig.5).

Fig.5 The SEM image of RNAi nanoparticles

After synthesizing the RNAi nanoparticles of this DNA sequence, we tested the silencing efficiency of this RNAi nanoparticles, and this kind of RNAi nanoparticles can silence the gene encoding chlorophyll A-B binding family protein AB80 of M. micrantha. The qrt-PCR and apparent morphology changes results are as follows (Fig.6, 7).

Fig.6 The relative gene expression of gene 29128
Fig.7 The Morphology of the Leaves after Testing for 7 days

Moreover, we have tested the content changes of siRNAs cut from this RNAi nanoparticles introduced into the leaves through a G-quadruplex DNA-based, label-free, and ultrasensitive strategy (Fig. 8). For more information, please visit BBa_K2912016.

Fig.8 The Fluorescence Emission change of differently treated siRNA samples


[1] Kupferschmidt, K. A Lethal Dose of RNA[J]. Science, 2013, 341(6147):732-733.

[2] Lee J B, Hong J, Bonner D K, et al. Self-assembled RNA interference microsponges for efficient siRNA delivery[J]. NATURE MATERIALS, 2012, 11(4):316-322.

[3] Yan L, Yan Y, Pei L, et al. A G-quadruplex DNA-based, Label-Free and Ultrasensitive Strategy for microRNA Detection[J]. Sci Rep, 2014, 4:7400.
