
Revision as of 00:59, 18 June 2006 by WingZero (Talk | contribs)

Specific Concerns:

General Concerns:

  1. Reshma 14:56, 16 Nov 2005 (EST): The registry appears to have some strange behavior when you try to enter a feature is whose starting coordinate is greater than its ending coordinate. It highlights two small stretches of sequence. (I was doing this in an effort to see if I could indicate features on the opposite strand.)
  2. Reshma 14:56, 16 Nov 2005 (EST): When you add a feature that is only 1 nucleotide long (like a mutation). It highlights 4 bases in the sequence pane instead of 1.
    • BC 15:23, 8 Dec 2005 (EST): The same bug seems to occur for other small features. It seems to highlight not just 4 bases extra but everyting up to the next "gap" in the sequence display, i.e. up to the next multiple of 10. Based on a small sample size (B0036 in E7103 and I7102 and R0085)
    • Done - the new feature display does not have this bug - Randy
  3. Reshma 15:52, 16 Nov 2005 (EST): Somehow I am unable to edit the sequence of the part I just created (BBa_I50000). When I go to edit the sequence, it seems to just concatenate the sequence I type in rather than replacing the original sequence.
    • Done - This bug was a result of a browser limit on the length of a line in a text box. We now display sequences with limited line length. - Randy
  4. RS 15:15, 13 March 2006 (EST): The icon for primers doesn't show up in the deep component picture when primers are included as parts. Just a gap is shown.
    • Done - The icons have been added - Randy
  5. RS 18:31, 13 March 2006 (EST): In part BBa_I51000, the full scar does not appear between BBa_B0045 and BBa_B0046. Two bases at the end of the scar are deleted (AG). I think that there might be a software error because BBa_B0046 begins with an ATG though it is not a coding sequence so the AG should not be deleted.
  6. RS 17:20, 14 March 2006 (EST): I want to rename a part from pSB5AC4 to pSB5AC5. When I enter in the new part name, it doesn't save it.
  7. Rshetty 17:14, 1 June 2006 (EDT): Although CDS's in the reverse orientation now have their graphics displayed properly, -35 and -10 regions do not.
  8. RS 15:48, 2 June 2006 (EDT): pSB5A5 doesn't have any information on it part main page even though it has [ hard information].
    • Fixed with new release - Randy
  9. WingZero 20:14, 11 June 2006 (EDT): Projects page only contains the text "There are no" in bold. Probably should finish that sentence.
  10. WingZero 21:50, 12 June 2006 (EDT): In MonoBook.css (the default stylesheet), there's a missing semicolon at the end of the line "padding-bottom: .17em" near the very end.
  11. WingZero 20:59, 17 June 2006 (EDT): Pages like Add an Intermediate Part have TABLE tags with absolute widths. Whenever the browser window is resized, those sections tend to fall off the page (ie, outside the border from the Wiki software). On this page, for example, I don't really see the need for an absolute width (or even a table, for that matter; should be paragraph tags maybe).