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In order to obtain proteins, test suitable expression conditions, and evaluate the function of TRn4-mfp5, we chose three different expression vectors (Fig. 3)—pET-28a(+), pET-SUMO, and pET-21a(+)—and tried different strategies for TRn4-mfp5 protein production and purification.
In order to obtain proteins, test suitable expression conditions, and evaluate the function of TRn4-mfp5, we chose three different expression vectors (Fig. 3)—pET-28a(+), pET SUMO, and pET-21a(+)—and tried different strategies for TRn4-mfp5 protein production and purification.
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         <img src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5398/trn4-mfp5/three-plasmid-trn4mfp5.webp" width="700" height="auto" alt="Protein purification">
         <img src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5398/trn4-mfp5/three-plasmid-trn4mfp5.webp" width="700" height="auto" alt="Protein purification">
         <p><b>Fig. 1 | Three different vectors used in protein expression.</b></p>
         <p><b>Fig. 3 | Three different vectors used in protein expression.</b></p>
         <p><b>a.</b> The plasmid map of pET-28a(+)-His-SUMO-TRn4-mfp5;
         <p><b>a.</b> The plasmid map of pET-28a(+)-His-SUMO-TRn4-mfp5;
         <b>b.</b> The plasmid map of pET-SUMO-TRn4-mfp5;
         <b>b.</b> The plasmid map of pET SUMO-TRn4-mfp5;
         <b>c.</b> The plasmid map of pET-21a(+)-TRn4-mfp5.</p>
         <b>c.</b> The plasmid map of pET-21a(+)-TRn4-mfp5.</p>
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        <img src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5398/trn4-mfp5/16-37-lb-pet21a.webp" width="700" height="auto" alt="Protein purification">
        <p><b>Fig. 2 | Comparison of fusion protein expression in different temperature use vector pET-21a(+).</b></p>
            Lanes 1-6 (LB 37°C 4 h): 
            1. Protein ladder;
            2. total liquid (+IPTG);
            3. supernatant (+IPTG); 
            4. precipitate (+IPTG); 
            5. total liquid (-IPTG); 
            6. supernatant (-IPTG); 
            7. precipitate (-IPTG); 
            Lanes 8-13 (TB 16°C 20 h):
            8. Protein ladder; 
            9. total liquid (+IPTG); 
            10. supernatant (+IPTG); 
            11. precipitate (+IPTG); 
            12. total liquid (-IPTG); 
            13. supernatant (-IPTG); 
            14. precipitate (-IPTG). 
    <div class="module">
        <img src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5398/trn4-mfp5/tb-lb-prt21a.webp" width="700" height="auto" alt="Protein purification">
        <p><b>Fig. 3 | Comparison of fusion protein expression in LB and TB media use vector pET-21a(+).</b></p>
            1. Protein ladder; 
            Lanes 2-7 (LB 16°C 20 h):
            2. total liquid (+IPTG); 
            3. supernatant (+IPTG); 
            4. precipitate (+IPTG); 
            5. total liquid (-IPTG); 
            6. supernatant (-IPTG); 
            7. precipitate (-IPTG); 
            Lanes 8-13 (TB 16°C 20 h): 
            8. Protein ladder; 
            9. total liquid (+IPTG); 
            10. supernatant (+IPTG); 
            11. precipitate (+IPTG); 
            12. total liquid (-IPTG); 
            13. supernatant (-IPTG); 
            14. precipitate (-IPTG). 
    <div class="module">
        <img src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5398/trn4-mfp5/rostta-bl21-de3-trn4-mfp5png.webp" width="700" height="auto" alt="Protein purification">
        <p><b>Fig. 4 | Comparison of fusion protein expression in <i>E. coli</i> strains BL21(DE3) and Rosetta.</b></p>
            1. Protein ladder;
            Lanes 2-4 (BL21(DE3) LB 37℃ 4h)
            2. total liquid (+IPTG); 
            3. supernatant (+IPTG); 
            4. precipitate (+IPTG);
            Lanes 5-7 (Rosetta LB 37℃ 4h)
            5. total liquid (+IPTG); 
            6. supernatant (+IPTG); 
            7. precipitate (+IPTG). 
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        <p>After considering both expression efficiency and practical experimental constraints, we decided to express the fusion protein at 37°C for 4 h in LB medium using the pET-SUMO-TRn4-mfp5 plasmid.</p>
        <p>As shown in Figures 4-6, the target protein was present in the pellet after cell lysis. Therefore, we denatured the pellet of the fusion protein TRn4-mfp5 with 8M urea overnight and renatured it through dialysis. This process resulted in some protein loss, as confirmed by SDS-PAGE analysis.</p>
        <p>Consequently, we proceeded to purify the fusion protein TRn4-mfp5 using a Ni-NTA Gravity Column.</p>
        <p>The target protein bands were present in lanes 4 to 7, indicating successful expression of the target protein, with a particularly strong band in the supernatant after denaturation (Fig. 7, lane 7). After purification, the target protein was mainly found in the 150 mM and 300 mM imidazole elution fractions.</p>
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        <img src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5398/trn4-mfp5/purification-trn4-mfp5.webp" width="700" height="auto" alt="Protein purification">
        <p><b>Fig. 5 | SDS-PAGE of purified fusion protein TRn4-mfp5(35.4 kDa) uses vector pET-SUMO.</b></p>
            Lane 1: Protein - Binding buffer;<br>
            Lane 2: 20 mM imidazole and 8 M urea elution;<br>
            Lane 3: 50 mM imidazole and 8 M urea elution;<br>
            Lane 4: 150 mM imidazole and 8 M urea elution;<br>
            Lane 5: 300 mM imidazole and 8 M urea elution;<br>
            Lane 6: 500 mM imidazole and 8 M urea elution;<br>
            Lane 7: Supernatant;<br>
            Lane 8: Impurities;<br>
            Lane 9: Protein ladder.
    <div class="module">
        <p>To further confirm the expression of TRn4-mfp5, we performed a Western blot, which provided a clear and definitive conclusion, verifying the successful expression of the TRn4-mfp5 protein under the conditions mentioned above.</p>
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        <img src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5398/trn4-mfp5/wb-all-final.webp" width="700" height="auto" alt="Protein purification">
        <p><b>Fig. 6 | Western Blot of purified fusion protein TRn4-mfp5(35.4 kDa) uses vector pET-SUMO.</b></p>
            <b>a.</b> Western blot of the pre-expressed protein;<br>
            <b>b.</b> Western blot after column purification of the supernatant following denaturation.
====Adhesive test====
We obtained protein samples of TRn4-mfp5 by freezedrying 24 h (Fig. 9). The final yield was about 25 mg/L bacterial culture.
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        <img src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5398/trn4-mfp5/protein-freeze-actual-picture-new.webp" width="700" height="auto" alt="Protein purification">
        <p><b>Fig. 7 | The protein sample freeze-dried by a lyophilizer.</b></p>
Next, we dissolved protein samples in Buffer A (10 mL 20 mM Tris pH8) to reach  0.3 mg/mL, and conduct adhesive ability tests on the fusion protein(Fig. 10). 200 μL of the protein solution was applied, and the pipette tip was placed on a plastic Petri dish lid. After incubation at 37°C for 8 h, the pipette tip successfully adhered.
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        <img src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5398/trn4-mfp5/part-fig10.webp" width="700" height="auto" alt="Protein purification">
        <p><b>Fig. 8 | Adhesive ability test of fusion protein on plastic surface</b></p>
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<b>Viscosity Calculations</b>
<p>Surface Area Calculation:</p>
<p>The surface area of a 10 µl pipette tip with an inner diameter of 3.7 mm is calculated as:</p>
<div class="calculation">
    <p>S = π × r² = π × (0.185 cm)² = 0.1075 cm²</p>
<p>Force Calculation:</p>
<p>The total mass is (5.951 + 0.448 × 3) grams, and the force is:</p>
<div class="calculation">
    <p>F = 7.295 g × 9.8 N/kg = 0.07149 N</p>
<p>Adhesive Force Calculation:</p>
<p>The adhesive force produced by the protein is:</p>
<div class="calculation">
    <p>P = F / S = 0.07149 N / 0.1075 cm² = 0.665 N/cm² ≈ 6.65 KPa</p>
<p>Adhesive Force per Milligram of Protein:</p>
<p>The adhesive force per milligram of protein is:</p>
<div class="calculation">
    <p>P' = P / m = 6.65 KPa / 1 mg = 6.65 KPa/mg</p>

Revision as of 06:22, 30 September 2024

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Applications of BBa_K5398020

In order to obtain proteins with adhesive properties, we used the pET-SUMO vector to express TRn4-mfp5 ( BBa_K5398020) ). We tried different strategies for TRn4-mfp5 protein production and purification and tested its function.


In order to obtain proteins, test suitable expression conditions, and evaluate the function of TRn4-mfp5, we chose three different expression vectors (Fig. 3)—pET-28a(+), pET SUMO, and pET-21a(+)—and tried different strategies for TRn4-mfp5 protein production and purification.

Protein purification

Fig. 3 | Three different vectors used in protein expression.

a. The plasmid map of pET-28a(+)-His-SUMO-TRn4-mfp5; b. The plasmid map of pET SUMO-TRn4-mfp5; c. The plasmid map of pET-21a(+)-TRn4-mfp5.


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