Difference between revisions of "Part:BBa K5237011"

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       exceptional performance as described on our iGEM wiki and can serve as a reference. The other parts in the
       exceptional performance as described on our iGEM wiki and can serve as a reference. The other parts in the
       collection are versatile building blocks designed to provide future iGEMers with the flexibility to engineer their
       collection are versatile building blocks designed to provide future iGEMers with the flexibility to engineer their
       own custom Cas staples, enabling further optimization and innovation
       own custom Cas staples, enabling further optimization and innovation.

Revision as of 08:11, 29 September 2024


Cathepsin B Expression Cassette

Cathepsin B is a lysosomal protease present in the cytosol of various cancer types. To enhance its nuclear functionality, cathepsin B (BBa_K5237100) was fused to the SV40 nuclear localization sequence (BBa_K2549054) via a GGS linker, enabling nuclear import and precise subcellular targeting. We overexpressed this composite part in HEK293T cells to investigate its ability to cleave different Gal4-Linker-VP64 constructs (BBa_K5237020) using a fluorescence readout assay. We successfully demonstrated that the GFLG linker was efficiently cleaved by cathepsin B in vivo. Furthermore, we showed that wild-type cathepsin B matured into its active forms when overexpressed in HEK293T cells. Together, these findings enable the functionalization of our PICasSO system for a wide range of therapeutic and synthetic biology applications.


The PICasSO Toolbox

Figure 1: Example how the part collection can be used to engineer new staples

The 3D organization of the genome plays a crucial role in regulating gene expression in eukaryotic cells, impacting cellular behavior, evolution, and disease. Beyond the linear DNA sequence, the spatial arrangement of chromatin, influenced by DNA-DNA interactions, shapes pathways of gene regulation. However, the tools to precisely manipulate this genomic architecture remain limited, rendering it challenging to explore the full potential of the 3D genome in synthetic biology. We - iGEM Team Heidelberg 2024 - have developed PICasSO, a powerful molecular toolbox based on various DNA-binding proteins to address this issue.

The PICasSO part collection offers a comprehensive, modular platform for precise manipulation and re-programming of DNA-DNA interactions using protein staples in living cells, enabling researchers to recreate natural 3D genomic interactions, such as enhancer hijacking, or to design entirely new spatial architectures for gene regulation. Beyond its versatility, PICasSO includes robust assay systems to support the engineering, optimization, and testing of new staples, ensuring functionality in vitro and in vivo. We took special care to include parts crucial for testing every step of the cycle (design, build, test, learn) when engineering new parts

At its heart, the PICasSO parts collection consists of three categories. (i) Our DNA-binding proteins include our finalized enhancer hijacking Cas staple as well as half staples that can be used by scientists to compose entirely new Cas staples in the future. We also include our simple staples that serve as controls for successful stapling and can be further engineered to create alternative, simpler and more compact staples. (ii) As functional elements, we list additional parts that enhance the functionality of our Cas and Basic staples. These consist of protease-cleavable peptide linkers and inteins that allow condition-specific, dynamic stapling in vivo. Besides staple functionality, we also include the parts to enable the efficient delivery of PICasSO's with our interkingdom conjugation system.

(iii) As the final component of our collection, we provide parts that support the use of our custom readout systems. These include components of our established FRET-based proximity assay system, enabling users to confirm accurate stapling. Additionally, we offer a complementary, application-oriented testing system for functional readout via a luciferase reporter, which allows for straightforward experimental simulation of enhancer hijacking.

The following table gives a complete overview of all parts in our PICasSO toolbox. The highlighted parts showed exceptional performance as described on our iGEM wiki and can serve as a reference. The other parts in the collection are versatile building blocks designed to provide future iGEMers with the flexibility to engineer their own custom Cas staples, enabling further optimization and innovation.

Our part collection includes:

DNA-binding proteins: The building blocks for engineering of custom staples for DNA-DNA interactions with a modular system ensuring easy assembly.
BBa_K5237000 fgRNA Entryvector MbCas12a-SpCas9 Entryvector for simple fgRNA cloning via SapI
BBa_K5237001 Half-Staple: dMbCas12a-Nucleoplasmin NLS Staple subunit that can be combined to form a functional staple, for example with fgRNA and dCas9
BBa_K5237002 Half-Staple: SV40 NLS-dSpCas9-SV40 NLS Staple subunit that can be combined to form a functional staple, for example with our fgRNA or dCas12a
BBa_K5237003 Cas-Staple: SV40 NLS-dMbCas12a-dSpCas9-Nucleoplasmin NLS Functional Cas staple that can be combined with sgRNA or fgRNA to bring two DNA strands in close proximity
BBa_K5237004 Half-Staple: Oct1-DBD Staple subunit that can be combined to form a functional staple, for example with TetR.
Can also be combined with a fluorescent protein as part of the FRET proximity assay
BBa_K5237005 Half-Staple: TetR Staple subunit that can be combined to form a functional staple, for example with Oct1.
Can also be combined with a fluorescent protein as part of the FRET proximity assay
BBa_K5237006 Simple-Staple: TetR-Oct1 Functional staple that can be used to bring two DNA strands in close proximity
BBa_K5237007 Half-Staple: GCN4 Staple subunit that can be combined to form a functional staple, for example with rGCN4
BBa_K5237008 Half-Staple: rGCN4 Staple subunit that can be combined to form a functional staple, for example with rGCN4
BBa_K5237009 Mini-Staple: bGCN4 Assembled staple with minimal size that can be further engineered
Functional elements: Protease cleavable peptide linkers and inteins are used to control and modify staples for further optimization for custom applications.
BBa_K5237010 Cathepsin B-Cleavable Linker (GFLG) Cathepsin B cleavable peptide linker, that can be used to combine two staple subunits, to make responsive staples
BBa_K5237011 Cathepsin B Expression Cassette Cathepsin B which can be selectively express to cut the cleavable linker
BBa_K5237012 Caged NpuN Intein Undergoes protein transsplicing after protease activation, can be used to create functionalized staple units
BBa_K5237013 Caged NpuC Intein Undergoes protein transsplicing after protease activation, can be used to create functionalized staple units
BBa_K5237014 fgRNA processing casette Processing casette to produce multiple fgRNAs from one transcript, can be used for multiplexing
BBa_K5237015 Intimin anti-EGFR Nanobody Interkindom conjugation between bacteria and mammalian cells, as alternative delivery tool for large constructs
Readout Systems: FRET and enhancer recruitment to measure proximity of stapled DNA in bacterial and mammalian living cells enabling swift testing and easy development for new systems.
BBa_K5237016 FRET-Donor: mNeonGreen-Oct1 Donor part for the FRET assay binding the Oct1 binding cassette. Can be used to visualize DNA-DNA proximity
BBa_K5237017 FRET-Acceptor: TetR-mScarlet-I Acceptor part for the FRET assay binding the TetR binding cassette. Can be used to visualize DNA-DNA proximity
BBa_K5237018 Oct1 Binding Casette DNA sequence containing 12 Oct1 binding motifs, can be used for different assays such as the FRET proximity assay
BBa_K5237019 TetR Binding Cassette DNA sequence containing 12 Oct1 binding motifs, can be used for different assays such as the FRET proximity assay
BBa_K5237020 Cathepsin B-Cleavable Trans-Activator: NLS-Gal4-GFLG-VP64 Readout system that responds to protease activity. It was used to test Cathepsin-B cleavable linker.
BBa_K5237021 NLS-Gal4-VP64 Trans-activating enhancer, that can be used to simulate enhancer hijacking.
BBa_K5237022 mCherry Expression Cassette: UAS, minimal Promotor, mCherry Readout system for enhancer binding. It was used to test Cathepsin-B cleavable linker.
BBa_K5237023 Oct1 - UAS binding casette Oct1 and UAS binding cassette, that was used for the simulated enhancer hijacking assay.
BBa_K5237024 Minimal promoter Firefly luciferase Contains Firefly luciferase controlled by a minimal promoter. It was used as a luminescence readout for simulated enhancer hijacking.

1. Sequence Overview

Sequence and Features

Assembly Compatibility:
  • 10
  • 12
  • 21
    Illegal BglII site found at 656
    Illegal BglII site found at 755
  • 23
  • 25
    Illegal NgoMIV site found at 86
    Illegal NgoMIV site found at 157
    Illegal NgoMIV site found at 1009
    Illegal AgeI site found at 841
  • 1000

2. Usage and Biology

Cathepsin B is a cysteine protease typically found in lysosomes or secreted outside the cell, where it degrades proteins of the extracellular matrix (Ruan et al., 2015). Its significance in cancer progression is well-documented, with elevated levels observed in cancerous tissues compared to noncancerous tissues (Ruan et al., 2015). Given its important role in tumor progression, cathepsin B is considered a potential therapeutic target (Ruan et al., 2015) or prodrug-activating enzyme (Zhong et al., 2013). To explore the therapeutic potential of our PICasSO platform, we designed protein-based DNA staples that respond to the overexpression of cathepsin B in cancerous tissues. We were able to demonstrate doxorubicin-dependent cathepsin B cleavage of one out of five documented linkers (Jin et al., 2022; Shim et al., 2022; Wang et al., 2024) in HEK293T cells.
To enhance the functionality of cathepsin B within the nucleus, we fused it to the SV40 nuclear localization sequence (NLS), a short peptide derived from the simian virus 40 (SV40) large T-antigen. The SV40 NLS contains a cluster of basic amino acids, which are recognized by importins, allowing the tagged protein to be transported through the nuclear pore complex into the nucleus (Yoneda, 1997). This tool is commonly used to ensure the nuclear localization of recombinant proteins in eukaryotic cells (Lu et al., 2021). By directing cathepsin B to the nucleus, we aim to enhance its precision in cellular targeting.

3. Assembly and Part Evolution

The protein sequence of human cathepsin B was obtained from UniProt (P07858), and an SV40 nuclear localization sequence (BBa_K2549054) was connected to the N-Terminus via a GGS linker. After in silico cloning, the corresponding nucleotide sequence was optimized for expression in human cells (Codon Optimization Tool from Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc.) and purchased as a gBlock. Restriction cloning was used to insert the gBlock into the mammalian expression vector pcDNA3.1. The plasmids were propagated in E. coli Top10 cells and used to transfect HEK293T cells.

4. Results

4.1 The Peptide Linker GFLG Is Cleaved by Cathepsin B in Vivo

We performed a fluorescence readout assay in HEK293T cells to investigate cathepsin B cleavage of different peptide linkers. 24 hours after transfection, we added doxorubicin in a final concentration of 500 nM to the cell supernatant. Figure 1 shows the fluorescence intensity of mCherry for five different peptide linkers (GFLG, FFRG, FRRL, VA, FK). The negative control was not transfected with the plasmid encoding cathepsin B. We investigated two different test conditions, in which we either transfected 30 ng or 60 ng of the plasmid encoding cathepsin B. The fluorescence intensity of mCherry was normalized by the measured fluorescence intensity of eGFP in each condition. Additionally, the values for 30 ng and 60 ng cathepsin B were normalized against the corresponding negative controls. One data point for the VA linker, transfected with 60 ng of the plasmid encoding cathepsin B, was excluded due to severe deviation from the other values. We conducted a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to assess the significance of the observed differences between the negative control and the test conditions for each linker. As the negative control did not contain the plasmid encoding cathepsin B, we expected the measured fluorescence intensity of mCherry to be the highest in these conditions. However, this was only observed for the GFLG and FK linkers. Contrary to our expectations, the fluorescence intensity of the negative control was the lowest out of the three conditions tested for the remaining linkers. It appears that the addition of the plasmid encoding cathepsin B increases mCherry fluorescence intensity when the linker is not cleaved. However, this increase is only significant for the FFRG linker in the 60 ng condition. For the GFLG linker, we observed significant decreases in fluorescence intensity between the negative control and both test conditions, with no difference between the 30 ng and 60 ng conditions. For the FK linker, no significant decreases in fluorescence intensity between the negative control and the test conditions were observed.

Fluorescence Readout
Figure 1: Fluorescence Readout After 48 hours for Five Different Peptide Linkers and Three Different Conditions. The fluorescence intensity for mCherry was measured for five different linkers and normalized against a baseline eGFP fluorescence intensity. The negative control was not transfected with the plasmid encoding cathepsin B. The fluorescence intensity of the negative control was set to one. Two different test conditions were investigated, in which either 30 ng or 60 ng of the plasmid encoding cathepsin B were transfected. The fluorescent readout was analyzed using a two-way ANOVA. Medium: DMEM (10% FCS). P values: ns, P > 0.05; *, P ≤ 0.05; **, P ≤ 0.01; ***, P ≤ 0.001; ****, P ≤ 0.0001.

4.2 mCherry and eGFP Are Both Expressed in HEK293T Cells

Figure 2 shows micrographs taken with a fluorescence microscope of three different conditions: the null control, the negative control and the test sample. Figure 3 shows the corresponding graphs. All samples were transfected with plasmids encoding eGFP and mCherry. The null control and the negative control were not transfected with the plasmid encoding cathepsin B. The null control was also not transfected with any of the plasmids encoding Gal4-Linker-VP64 constructs. The test sample was transfected with 30 ng of the plasmid encoding cathepsin B and with the plasmid encoding Gal4-GFLG-VP64. As expected, the null control exhibited no detectable mCherry signal, with corresponding fluorescence intensity measurements at baseline levels. Since no plasmid encoding a Gal4-V64 construct was transfected, mCherry overexpression via VP64 could not be induced. However, we observed a high fluorescence intensity for eGFP, indicating that the transfection was successful. The negative control showed strong signals of both mCherry and eGFP. Therefore, it can be assumed that the transfection was successful and that our mCherry readout system is functional. Interestingly, there are some cells which either seem to only express mCherry or eGFP and some cells that show no fluorescence signal. The test sample showed less eGFP and mCherry fluorescence compared to the negative control. We expected to observe reduced fluorescence intensity of mCherry, as the transfected cells would express cathepsin B, which cleaves the linker, thereby decreasing mCherry expression

Fluorescence Readout
Figure 2: Micrographs of HEK293T Cells in Two Control Conditions and One Test Condition. Micrographs were taken with a fluorescence microscope 48 hours after transfection. An overlay of brightfield, eGFP and mCherry is shown. The null control and the negative control were not transfected with the plasmid encoding cathepsin B. The Null Control was also not transfected with any of the plasmids encoding Gal4-Linker-VP64 constructs. The test sample was transfected with 30 ng of the plasmid encoding cathepsin B and with the plasmid encoding Gal4-GFLG-VP64. The micrograph of the test sample is not from the same biological replicate as the micrographs of the two controls.
Fluorescence Readout
Figure 3: Fluorescence Readout After 48 Hours for Two Control Conditions and One Test Condition. The fluorescence intensity for mCherry was measured for the GFLG linker and normalized against a baseline eGFP fluorescence intensity. The null control and the negative control were not transfected with the plasmid encoding cathepsin B. The null control was also not transfected with any of the plasmids encoding Gal4-Linker-VP64 constructs. The test sample was transfected with 30 ng of the plasmid encoding cathepsin B and with the plasmid encoding Gal4-GFLG-VP64.

4.3 Mature Cathepsin B Is Expressed in HEK293T Cells

Figure 4 shows a western blot of the wild-type (wt) version of cathepsin B as well as the truncated and mutated version of cathepsin B (Δ1-20, D22A, H110A, R116A). Cells of both cathepsin B versions were treated with 500 nM doxorubicin (dox) 24 hours post-transfection and incubated for additional 24 hours. For each condition, three replicates were blotted. We observed no differences in protein expression levels between the dox-treated and untreated wt versions of cathepsin B. For the truncated and mutated version of cathepsin B, however, only the untreated samples showed the corresponding band at approximately 36 kDa expected for this version of cathepsin B. Additionally, the bands of the truncated and mutated version appeared much weaker than the ones of the wt, indicating poorer protein expression. The household protein β-tubulin is visible in all samples at approximately 55 kDa. The wt cathepsin B additionally showed bands for pro-cathepsin B at approximately 42 kDa, a mature single-chain version of cathepsin B at approximately 33 kDa and a mature double-chain version at approximately 26 kDa.

Fluorescence Readout
Figure 4: Western Blot of Two Versions of Cathepsin B With and Without Doxorubicin. From left to right: protein ladder, wild-type (wt) cathepsin B with (+) and without (-) doxorubicin, truncated and mutated version of cathepsin B with (+) and without (-) doxorubicin. The household protein, β-tubulin, is visible in all samples at 55 kDa. The wt cathepsin B also shows bands for pro-cathepsin B at 42 kDa, mature single-chain cathepsin B at 33 kDa and mature double-chain cathepsin B at 26 kDa. The band for the truncated and mutated version of cathepsin B can be seen in the samples without doxorubicin at 36 kDa.

4.4 Conclusion

We overexpressed wild-type cathepsin B in HEK293T cells to study its maturation and activity in a cellular environment. Our findings revealed that cathepsin B successfully matured into its active forms when overexpressed, demonstrating its proteolytic functionality in vivo. By fusing cathepsin B to an SV40 nuclear localization sequence (NLS), we were able to target the protease to the nucleus, enhancing its subcellular localization and precision. Additionally, we showed that the GFLG linker was efficiently cleaved by cathepsin B, confirming its activity on peptide substrates. These results confirm the successful overexpression and activation of cathepsin B in human cells, laying the groundwork for its use in targeted therapeutic strategies and synthetic biology systems.

5. References

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Jin, C., EI-Sagheer, A. H., Li, S., Vallis, K. A., Tan, W., & Brown, T. (2022). Engineering Enzyme-Cleavable Oligonucleotides by Automated Solid-Phase Incorporation of Cathepsin B Sensitive Dipeptide Linkers. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 61(13), e202114016. https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202114016

Lu, J., Wu, T., Zhang, B., Liu, S., Song, W., Qiao, J. & Ruan, H. (2021). Types of nuclear localization signals and mechanisms of protein import into the nucleus. Cell Communication and Signaling 19(60). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12964-021-00741-y

Ruan, H., Hao, S., Young, P., & Zhang, H. (2015). Targeting Cathepsin B for Cancer Therapies. Horiz Cancer Res, 56, 23-40.

Shim, N., Jeon, S. I., Yang, S., Park, J. Y., Jo, M., Kim, J., Choi, J., Yun, W. S., Kim, J., Lee, Y., Shim, M. K., Kim, Y., & Kim, K. (2022). Comparative study of cathepsin B-cleavable linkers for the optimal design of cathepsin B-specific doxorubicin prodrug nanoparticles for targeted cancer therapy. Biomaterials, 289, 121806. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biomaterials.2022.121806

Wang, J., Liu, M., Zhang, X., Wang, X., Xiong, M., & Luo, D. (2024). Stimuli-responsive linkers and their application in molecular imaging. Exploration, 4(4), 20230027. https://doi.org/10.1002/EXP.20230027

Yoneda,Y. (1997). How Proteins Are Transported from Cytoplasm to the Nucleus. The Journal of Biochemistry, 121(5), 811 – 817. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordjournals.jbchem.a021657

Zhong, Y.-J., Shao, L.-H., & Li, Y. (2013). Cathepsin B-cleavable doxorubicin prodrugs for targeted cancer therapy (Review). Int J Oncol, 42(2), 373-383. https://doi.org/10.3892/ijo.2012.1754