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<partinfo>BBa_K5108006 short</partinfo>
<partinfo>BBa_K5108006 short</partinfo>
<i>aprA</i> RBS from <i>Pseudomonas protegens</i> (CHA0)
<!-- Add more about the biology of this part here
<!-- Add more about the biology of this part here
===Usage and Biology===
===Usage and Biology===
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<span class='h3bb'>Sequence and Features</span>
<partinfo>BBa_K5108006 SequenceAndFeatures</partinfo>
<partinfo>BBa_K5108006 SequenceAndFeatures</partinfo>
<h2 style="color: blue;"> <b>Usage and Biology</b></h2>
<p>Ribosome Binding Site of gene <i>aprA</i> of <i>P. fluorescens</i>. It was used for protein translation in <i>P. fluorescens</i> from [1].
This RBS was synthesized in an operon with two genes and another RBS and cloned into a plasmid. After transformation in <i>P. fluorescens</i>, our team had successful protein expression with this RBS. Check out composite part BBa_K5108009 for more information.
<!-- Uncomment this to enable Functional Parameter display
===Functional Parameters===
<partinfo>BBa_K5108006 parameters</partinfo>
<li>Blumer, C., Heeb, S., Pessi, G., & Haas, D. (1999). Global GacA-steered control of cyanide and exoprotease production in Pseudomonas fluorescens involves specific ribosome binding sites. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences, 96(24), 14073‑14078. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.96.24.14073</li>
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Revision as of 09:38, 29 September 2024

aprA RBS from Pseudomonas protegens (CHA0)

aprA RBS from Pseudomonas protegens (CHA0)