BBa_K3783001 short
This part is a composite of 2 existing parts, BBa_K3783000 (pFraB) and BBa_R0051(pR).
The fraB promoter is a regulatory sequence found in Salmonella where it serves an important role in the regulation of the metabolism of fructose-asparagine. In the absence of fructose-asparagine, another regulatory gene, fraR, is activated, and binds to pFraB which represses downstream expression. In the presence of fructose-asparagine, or with the absence of a fraR gene, pFraB is active.
The pR promoter is a strong repressible promoter found in phage lambda. In absence of the cI repressor, it is produce high levels of downstream proteins.
This fusion promoter is to allow for the relative control over large amounts of protein expression. In the 2021 OhioState team’s efforts, we show that there is a 3 fold repression of the pR promoter with the presence of the repressed pFraB.
Figure 1. pR-pFraB Luciferase Reporter Graph. pC is the name for this Combination Promoter. Results are shown when it is fused to a luciferase reporter in the presence and absence of fraR.
Native RBS is included from Salmonella.< i>
Sequence and FeaturesBBa_K3783001 SequenceAndFeatures