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1.1.Construction of the expression vector
1.1.Construction of the expression vector
The pWB980-DB is digested with enzyme EcoRI and PstI. The target fragment of the promoter, RBS, gene of phytase and terminator of this device are synthesized by the biotechnology company with 6×His tags added. Add EcoRI and PstI restriction sites to both ends of the target fragment respectively. Connect the target fragment to the plasmid vector fragment to construct the recombinant expression vector pWB980-DB-P<sub>nar</sub>-phy(ycD).
The pWB980-DB is digested with enzyme EcoRI and PstI. The target fragment of the promoter, RBS, gene of phytase and terminator of this device are synthesized by the biotechnology company with 6×His tags added. Add EcoRI and PstI restriction sites to both ends of the target fragment respectively. Connect the target fragment to the plasmid vector to construct the recombinant expression vector pWB980-DB-P<sub>nar</sub>-phy(ycD).
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1.2.Construction and screening of recombinant engineered bacteria
1.2.Construction and screening of recombinant engineered bacteria
Using <i>B.subtilis</i> WB800N as the expression host, the secretion expression vector pWB980-DB was transformed by electro-transformation. Inoculate them on LB solid medium coated with 10 μg/mL kanamycin, and incubate them overnight at 37 °C. Send transformants to biotechnology company for sequencing.
Using <i>Bacillus subtilis</i> WB800N as the expression host, the secretion expression vector pWB980-DB was transformed by electro-transformation. Inoculate them on LB solid medium coated with calcium phytate and 10 μg/mL kanamycin, and incubate them overnight at 37 °C. Send transformants to biotechnology company for sequencing.
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1.4.Verification of the effect of phytase on phosphate hydrolysis
1.4.Verification of the effect of phytase on phosphate hydrolysis
①Preliminary identification of engineered bacteria expressing phytase
①Drawing the standard curve of inorganic phosphorus
Pick a single colony of the transformant and inoculate it on a LB solid medium containing calcium phytate, and then observe the hydrolysis circle after culturing in a 37 ℃ incubator for 36 h.
The standard solution of 16 mM potassium dihydrogen phosphate is diluted with 100 mM Tris-Hcl solution to 0.0, 3.2, 6.4, 9.6, 12.8 and 16 mM solutions respectively, and react together according to the operating steps above. With inorganic phosphorus content as ordinate (take 0.05 mL of the diluent above and the inorganic phosphorus content is: 0.00, 0.16, 0.32, 0.48, 0.64, 0.8 μmol respectively) and absorbance at the wavelength of 700 nm as abscess coordinate, the standard curve is drawn and the linear regression equation is listed (Y=KX+B). The light absorption value is determined by the molybdenum-blue method.
②Preparation of phosphorus standard curve
0.2177 g constant weight potassium dihydrogen phosphate is accurately weighed in 100 ml volumetric flask and fixed with 100 mM Tris-HCl(A) buffer to a concentration of 16 mM.
Configure 50 mmol standard KH<sub>2</sub>PO<sub>4</sub> solution (weigh 0.6804 g KH<sub>2</sub>PO<sub>4</sub> and dilute it to 100 mL with pH 5.5 acetate buffer), and then dilute it to 0.025, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.40 mmol/mL nine concentration gradients with deionized water.  Take 1 mL of gradient solution and add 1 mL of 5.0 mmol/L sodium phytate solution, then add 2 mL of stop solution, measure absorbance at 415 nm, do 3 sets of repeated experiments for each concentration gradient, and average within the standard deviation range.  Draw a standard curve with the concentration of inorganic phosphorus as the abscissa and the absorbance value as the ordinate.
The standard dilution ratio is shown in the table below.
③Determination of phytase activity
Add 0.8 mL of sodium phytate to 0.2 mL of diluted enzyme solution. After reacting for 15 min at pH 6.5 and temperature of 37 , add 1 mL of 5% TCA (trichloroacetic acid) to stop enzyme activity reaction, and then add 1 mL of ferrous sulfate-ammonium molybdate coloring solution, determine the content of inorganic phosphorus in visible light at 415 nm, and calculate the specific activity. (Enzyme activity unit definition: Under the conditions of 37 °C and pH 6.5, the amount of enzyme that releases 1 μmol of inorganic phosphorus from a 5.0 mmol/L sodium phytate solution per minute is defined as 1 enzyme activity unit (U).)
Standard phosphorus concentration dilution
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<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
                              <th style="text-align: center;">Standard solution</th>
                              <th style="text-align: center;">Dilution quantity(mL)</th>
                              <th style="text-align: center;">Concentration/(μmol/mL)</th>
                              <th style="text-align: center;">Phosphorus content/(μmol)</th>
                              <th scope="row">1</th>
                              <td style="vertical-align:middle;text-align: center;font-size: bold;">0.6---0.6(+ 0A)</td>
                              <td style="vertical-align:middle;text-align: center;font-size: bold;">16</td>
                              <td style="vertical-align:middle;text-align: center;font-size: bold;">0.8</td>
                              <th scope="row">2</th>
                              <td style="vertical-align:middle;text-align: center;font-size: bold;">0.6---0.7(+ 0.15A)</td>
                              <td style="vertical-align:middle;text-align: center;font-size: bold;">12.8</td>
                              <td style="vertical-align:middle;text-align: center;font-size: bold;">0.64</td>
                              <th scope="row">3</th>
                              <td style="vertical-align:middle;text-align: center;font-size: bold;">0.6---1(+ 0.4A)</td>
                              <td style="vertical-align:middle;text-align: center;font-size: bold;">9.6</td>
                              <td style="vertical-align:middle;text-align: center;font-size: bold;">0.48</td>
                              <th scope="row">4</th>
                              <td style="vertical-align:middle;text-align: center;font-size: bold;">0.6---1.5(+ 0.9A)</td>
                              <td style="vertical-align:middle;text-align: center;font-size: bold;">6.4</td>
                              <td style="vertical-align:middle;text-align: center;font-size: bold;">0.32</td>
                              <th scope="row">5</th>
                              <td style="vertical-align:middle;text-align: center;font-size: bold;">0.6---3(+ 2.4A)</td>
                              <td style="vertical-align:middle;text-align: center;font-size: bold;">3.2</td>
                              <td style="vertical-align:middle;text-align: center;font-size: bold;">0.16</td>
                              <th scope="row">6</th>
                              <td style="vertical-align:middle;text-align: center;font-size: bold;">0.6(Acetic acid buffer A)</td>
                              <td style="vertical-align:middle;text-align: center;font-size: bold;">0</td>
                              <td style="vertical-align:middle;text-align: center;font-size: bold;">0</td>
Table 1. Draw a standard curve of inorganic phosphorus.
②Determination of enzyme activity on expression product
The collected supernatant is used to determine the activity of phytase by the molybdenum-blue method. The specific steps are as follows:
①Use the lysis buffer to suitably dilute the collected supernatant enzyme solution and take 50 μL in a test tube, incubate it in a 37 °C constant temperature water bath for 5 minutes, and add 50 μL enzyme solution to the sample blank control group.
Add 950 μL of the sodium phytate substrate solution which is preheated in a 37 °C constant temperature water bath for 5 minutes into the test tubes of sample group, add 1 mL of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to the blank control group to stop the reaction and start the timer.
②Let phytase react with sodium phytate substrate for 15 minutes at 37 °C, and add 1 mL trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to stop the reaction immediately. At the same time, add 950 μL sodium phytate solution to the control group.
③After the completion of the reaction, add 2 mL of ammonium molybdate ferrous sulfate coloring solution and wait for 10 minutes at room temperature.
④Use a spectrophotometer to measure the absorbance of sample solution A at a wavelength of 700 nm, and adjust the blank control A0 to zero.
<p>$$U = \frac{K \times (A-A_{0})}{S \times m \times 15}\times F$$</p>
Note: U-activity of sample phytase (U/g); K-slope of standard curve; F-the total dilution ratio of the sample solution before reaction; S-sample measured value (S=0.05mL in the table); m-sample mass (g); A0-blank absorbance of working sample; A-absorbance of the sample solution; 15-enzymatic reaction time (min).
Definition of unit of enzyme activity: the amount of enzyme releasing 1 μmol inorganic phosphorus from 5.0 mmol/L sodium phytate solution at 37 ℃ and pH 5.0 per minute is defined as one unit of enzyme activity (U).
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2. Expected results
2. Expected results
2.1.Phytase expression and purification
2.1.PCR amplification phy (ycD) and construction of secretion vector
After identification, the recombinant expression plasmid pWB980-phy (ycD) and successfully transformed engineered bacteria were obtained. And we could observe the hydrolysis circles around the successfully transformed engineered bacteria.
The control group has no production of phytase, and the test group has production of phytase.
The molecular weight that can be determined by SDS-PAGE analysis of the expressed enzyme is 45 KD, and the protein can be determined as phytase by Western blot.
<img src="https://2020.igem.org/wiki/images/7/71/T--NAU-CHINA--composite-partsexperiment3.png" style="width:40%"/>
<img src="https://2020.igem.org/wiki/images/1/14/T--NAU-CHINA--composite-partsexperiment4.png" style="width:40%"/>
Fig.2. Expected results: SDS-PAGE image of predicted expression product.
Fig.2. Expected results: transparent hydrolysis circle produced by engineered bacteria.
2.2.Phytase expression and purification
2.2.Verification of the effect of phytase on phosphorus hydrolysis
The control group has no production of phytase, and the test group has production of phytase.
The molecular weight that can be determined by SDS-PAGE analysis of the expressed enzyme is about 42 kDa, and the protein can be determined as phytase by Western blot.
①Preliminary screening of strains
<img src="https://2020.igem.org/wiki/images/1/14/T--NAU-CHINA--composite-partsexperiment4.png" style="width:40%"/>
<img src="https://2020.igem.org/wiki/images/7/71/T--NAU-CHINA--composite-partsexperiment3.png" style="width:40%"/>
Fig.3. Expected results: transparent hydrolysis circle produced by engineered bacteria.
Fig.3. Expected results: Western Blot image of predicted expression product.
2.3.Verification of the effect of phytase on phosphorus hydrolysis
②Phytase activity determination
①Phytase activity determination
According to the experiment, the relative activity of phytase can be obtained.   
According to the experiment, the relative activity of phytase can be obtained.   

Latest revision as of 03:07, 28 October 2020


Used Pnar(BBa_K3408000), RBS(BBa_B0034), phy(ycD)(BBa_E0040) and terminator(BBa_B0015) to express phy(ycD) under the control of Pnar. When our Bacillus subtilis was in an anaerobic environment, Pnar was activated by FNR so that phy(ycD) could be expressed. But when our Bacillus subtilis was in an aerobic environment, Pnar could be suppressed and we couldn’t detect more phytase.

1. Experimental methods

1.1.Construction of the expression vector

The pWB980-DB is digested with enzyme EcoRI and PstI. The target fragment of the promoter, RBS, gene of phytase and terminator of this device are synthesized by the biotechnology company with 6×His tags added. Add EcoRI and PstI restriction sites to both ends of the target fragment respectively. Connect the target fragment to the plasmid vector to construct the recombinant expression vector pWB980-DB-Pnar-phy(ycD).

Plasmid profile

Fig.1. The expression vector of device Pnar-phy(yCD)

1.2.Construction and screening of recombinant engineered bacteria

Using Bacillus subtilis WB800N as the expression host, the secretion expression vector pWB980-DB was transformed by electro-transformation. Inoculate them on LB solid medium coated with calcium phytate and 10 μg/mL kanamycin, and incubate them overnight at 37 °C. Send transformants to biotechnology company for sequencing.

1.3.expression and purification

Set up two groups of experiments:

(1) the control group: recombinant Bacillus subtilis are cultured in an aerobic condition.

(2) the test group: recombinant Bacillus subtilis are cultured in an anaerobic condition.

①Inoculate recombinant Bacillus subtilis in 20 mL of LB liquid medium containing 10 μg/mL kanamycin, and cultivate them overnight at 37 °C with shaking at 180 rpm.

②Inoculate 2% of the overnight cultured bacteria in 100 mL of LB liquid medium containing 10 μg/mL kanamycin, and culture them with shaking at 25 °C for 24 hours. The supernatant was collected by centrifugation to obtain the crude enzyme solution, and the pure enzyme solution was obtained after Ni-NAT affinity chromatography and Superdex-75 gel chromatography. The purified protein is subjected to SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis, western blot to determine phytase expression. And gel chromatography is used to obtain the elution profile of the enzyme after gel purification.

③Western Blot

1.4.Verification of the effect of phytase on phosphate hydrolysis

①Drawing the standard curve of inorganic phosphorus

The standard solution of 16 mM potassium dihydrogen phosphate is diluted with 100 mM Tris-Hcl solution to 0.0, 3.2, 6.4, 9.6, 12.8 and 16 mM solutions respectively, and react together according to the operating steps above. With inorganic phosphorus content as ordinate (take 0.05 mL of the diluent above and the inorganic phosphorus content is: 0.00, 0.16, 0.32, 0.48, 0.64, 0.8 μmol respectively) and absorbance at the wavelength of 700 nm as abscess coordinate, the standard curve is drawn and the linear regression equation is listed (Y=KX+B). The light absorption value is determined by the molybdenum-blue method.

0.2177 g constant weight potassium dihydrogen phosphate is accurately weighed in 100 ml volumetric flask and fixed with 100 mM Tris-HCl(A) buffer to a concentration of 16 mM.

The standard dilution ratio is shown in the table below.

Standard phosphorus concentration dilution

Standard solution Dilution quantity(mL) Concentration/(μmol/mL) Phosphorus content/(μmol)
1 0.6---0.6(+ 0A) 16 0.8
2 0.6---0.7(+ 0.15A) 12.8 0.64
3 0.6---1(+ 0.4A) 9.6 0.48
4 0.6---1.5(+ 0.9A) 6.4 0.32
5 0.6---3(+ 2.4A) 3.2 0.16
6 0.6(Acetic acid buffer A) 0 0

Table 1. Draw a standard curve of inorganic phosphorus.

②Determination of enzyme activity on expression product

The collected supernatant is used to determine the activity of phytase by the molybdenum-blue method. The specific steps are as follows:

①Use the lysis buffer to suitably dilute the collected supernatant enzyme solution and take 50 μL in a test tube, incubate it in a 37 °C constant temperature water bath for 5 minutes, and add 50 μL enzyme solution to the sample blank control group. Add 950 μL of the sodium phytate substrate solution which is preheated in a 37 °C constant temperature water bath for 5 minutes into the test tubes of sample group, add 1 mL of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to the blank control group to stop the reaction and start the timer.

②Let phytase react with sodium phytate substrate for 15 minutes at 37 °C, and add 1 mL trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to stop the reaction immediately. At the same time, add 950 μL sodium phytate solution to the control group.

③After the completion of the reaction, add 2 mL of ammonium molybdate ferrous sulfate coloring solution and wait for 10 minutes at room temperature.

④Use a spectrophotometer to measure the absorbance of sample solution A at a wavelength of 700 nm, and adjust the blank control A0 to zero.

$$U = \frac{K \times (A-A_{0})}{S \times m \times 15}\times F$$

Note: U-activity of sample phytase (U/g); K-slope of standard curve; F-the total dilution ratio of the sample solution before reaction; S-sample measured value (S=0.05mL in the table); m-sample mass (g); A0-blank absorbance of working sample; A-absorbance of the sample solution; 15-enzymatic reaction time (min).

Definition of unit of enzyme activity: the amount of enzyme releasing 1 μmol inorganic phosphorus from 5.0 mmol/L sodium phytate solution at 37 ℃ and pH 5.0 per minute is defined as one unit of enzyme activity (U).

1.5.Verification of the effect of phytase to dissolve phosphorus and solid lead

①Experimental reagents: sodium phytate solution 1.5 mM, phytase solution, 230 mg/L PbCl2 solution

②test group:

Set test groups for determination of phytase activity

③Experimental steps: Set up four groups of experiments, with whether to add sodium phytase solution and whether to add phytase solution as variables. When phytase solution or sodium phytase solution is not added, the same amount of ddH2O is used instead. In each group of experiments, 15 ml of 230 mg/L PbCl2 was added to react for 1 h, and then the lead content in the reaction system was determined by dithizone colorimetry.

The specific operation steps are as follows:

First, prepare a lead standard series with lead content of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0 μg, and measure it in the range of 540 nm and pH 8.5- pH 11, and draw a standard curve based on the data.

Secondly, take 10ml of the reaction solution in a 100 ml separatory funnel, add 2 ml 20% ammonium citrate, 1 ml 20% hydroxylamine hydrochloride, 2 d phenol red indicator, adjust the pH from 8.5 to 9.0 with concentrated ammonia and add 1 ml 10% potassium hydride, shake well. Add 10 ml of dithizone chloroform application solution, shake and layer, put the chloroform layer into a clean 10 ml colorimetric tube, measure the spectrophotometry at 540 nm, and find out the corresponding content from the standard curve.

2. Expected results

2.1.PCR amplification phy (ycD) and construction of secretion vector

After identification, the recombinant expression plasmid pWB980-phy (ycD) and successfully transformed engineered bacteria were obtained. And we could observe the hydrolysis circles around the successfully transformed engineered bacteria.

Fig.2. Expected results: transparent hydrolysis circle produced by engineered bacteria.

2.2.Phytase expression and purification

The control group has no production of phytase, and the test group has production of phytase. The molecular weight that can be determined by SDS-PAGE analysis of the expressed enzyme is about 42 kDa, and the protein can be determined as phytase by Western blot.

Fig.3. Expected results: Western Blot image of predicted expression product.

2.3.Verification of the effect of phytase on phosphorus hydrolysis

①Phytase activity determination

According to the experiment, the relative activity of phytase can be obtained.

According to literature prediction, the relative activity of phytase is about 40%.

2.3.Verification of the effect of phytase on phosphorus hydrolysis and lead fixation

Only in the group 4, whose reaction system has both phytase and sodium phytate, the lead content is reduced.

Fig.4. Expected results: changes of lead concentration over time.

These results are predicted because of the lack of experiment for the COVID-19.

Sequence and Features

Assembly Compatibility:
  • 10
  • 12
  • 21
  • 23
  • 25
    Illegal AgeI site found at 454
  • 1000