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<h1>iGEM 2013 Drug Delivery Projects </h1>
One of the things that microorganism can do well is produce some types of medically useful molecules. One of the first examples of such a case is using genetically engineered <i>E. coli</i> to produce insulin (called "Humulin") for diabetics. The company Genentech was founded to commercialize this venture and still exists today as a wholly owned subsidiary of Roche.
While these molecules are useful when produced and processed using current commercial production techniques, they still act in very similar ways in the human body. If we look at the example of painkillers, the drug dose needs to be high enough to have a local effect. However, the active molecules will be dispersed throughout your body requiring a higher initial concentration. If we can deliver drugs only to the places that need them in the body,
<h2><a href="http://2013.igem.org/Team:Paris_Bettencourt">Paris Bettencourt 2013</a>: Fight Tuberculosis with Modern Weapons!</h2>
<h4>Health & Medicine Track</h4>
<h5>Winner, 2013 Overgraduate section</h5>
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<a href="http://2013.igem.org/Team:Paris_Bettencourt"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2014/5/5f/Paris_Bettencourt_TB_2013.png" width="300px"></a>
<strong>Abstract:</strong> We are testing new weapons for the global war against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTb), a pathogen that infects nearly 2 billion people. Our 4 synergistic projects aim to help in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of tuberculosis. 1) We are reproducing an essential MTb metabolic pathway in E. coli, where it can be easily and safely targeted in a drug screen. 2) We are building a phage-based biosensor to allow the rapid diagnosis specifically drug-resistant MTb strains. 3) We are constructing a mycobacteriophage to detect and counterselect drug-resistant Mtb in the environment. 4) We are programming E. coli to follow MTb into human macrophages and saturate it with bacteriolytic enzymes. We want to vanquish tuberculosis and build a TB-free world.
<strong>From the team's 2013 wiki</strong>: To defeat tuberculosis, we need new biotechnology. Our work adds 4 new tools to the anti-TB medical armamentarium. Detect - a CRISPR-based biosensor delivered by phage and sequence-specific for antibiotic resistance. Target - an E. coli model hosting an essential mycobacterial metabolic pathway that could simplify drug screening. Infiltrate - an E. coli strain capable of entering infected macrophages and lysing mycobacteria. Sabotage - a non-lytic phage that spreads horizontally in a bacterial population and expresses an siRNA to knock down antibiotic resistance.
<h2><a href="http://2013.igem.org/Team:EPF_Lausanne">EPF Lausanne</a>: Taxi.Coli: smart drug delivery</h2>
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<iframe width="300" height="180" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/2oGyBahBHuI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<h4>New Application Track</h4>
<strong>Abstract:</strong> EPF_Lausanne’s team is proud to participate to iGEM 2013 and excited to present their project: Taxi.Coli: smart drug delivery. The team’s vision is to build a biosynthetic drug delivery concept. The key word of this project is “adaptability”. Our goal is to explore a way of using E.Coli as a highly modular carrier, opening the gate to several applications and alternatives in disease treatments. Using the principles of synthetic biology, we engineered a gelatinase secreting E. Coli able to bind gelatin nanoparticles using a biotin-streptavidin interaction and release them in a corresponding location. The drug delivery system is built in three parts: 1) the nanoparticle binding and 2) the environment sensing that 3) triggers the gelatinase release of the engineered E. Coli, liberating the content of the nanoparticle. The nanoparticles made of gelatin are able to carry any type of organic compound leading to a wide range of applications.
<h2><a href="http://2013.igem.org/Team:Groningen">Groningen</a>: Engineering Bacillus subtilis to self-assemble into a biofilm that coats medical implants with spider silk.</h2>
<h4>Health & Medicine Track</h4>
<strong>Abstract:</strong> Approximately half of all implanted medical devices result in one or more medical complication, which have been found to increase mortality rates by 25%, and to cost the american society an additional 30 billion dollars every year. A possible solution for these complications is to form a protective biocompatible layer between the implant and the body by means of a spider silk coating. This is achieved through mathematical modelling, techniques from the synthetic biology, and the Gram-positive bacteria Bacillus subtilis, which is redesigned to secrete silk and to self-assemble into a biofilm surrounding the implant. It uses a modified chemotaxis system coupled to the DesK heat sensing system to do so. B. subtilis is furthermore often used in the industry for the commercial production of extracellular proteins, and is generally regarded as safe.
<h2><a href="http://2013.igem.org/Team:NJU_China">NJU China</a>: Biomissile: a novel drug delivery system with microvesicle</h2>
<h4>Health & Medicine Track</h4>
<strong>Abstract:</strong> Recently, small interfering RNA (siRNA) has emerged as a promising therapeutic drug against a wide array of diseases. However, site-specific delivery has always been a challenge in gene therapy. Microvesicles (MVs) are lipid-bilayer vesicles which are naturally secreted by almost all cell types, playing crucial roles in intercellular transport of bioactive molecules. Given the intrinsic ability to naturally transport functional RNAs between cells, MVs potentially represent a novel and exciting drug carrier. In our project we are trying to express both anti-virus siRNA within the cell and target protein on the surface of the MVs by engineering the HEK 293T cell, which is capable of producing large amounts of MVs. Thus, the MVs produced by our engineered HEK 293T cells will contain the siRNA and be able to specifically deliver the siRNA to the sites we want, acting as biomissile for the targeted destruction of the disease.
<h2><a href="http://2013.igem.org/Team:NTNU-Trondheim">NTNU-Trondheim</a>: VesiColi</h2>
<h4>Health & Medicine Track</h4>
<strong>Abstract:</strong> Gram negative bacteria produce outer membrane vesicles (OMV) in the size range of 20-200nm. Whereas their function and contents has been studied for decades, their potential as drug carriers has not been investigated before. We want to introduce protein G from Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis into Escherichia coli OMV's. Protein G is known to bind to human serum albumin (HSA) which helps S. dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis hide from the immune system. The second part of our project is to introduce fluorescent proteins (FP's) linked together into the vesicles. Introducing protein G and linked FP's into the vesicles will demonstrate that it is indeed possible to manipulate the content, and therefore the properties, of OMV's.
<h2><a href="http://2013.igem.org/Team:USTC_CHINA">USTC China</a>: T-VACCINE</h2>
<h4>New Application Track</h4>
<strong>Abstract:</strong> T-VACCINE is a vaccine initiating immune response by penetrating the skin with the aid of transdermal peptide. From now on, injections are simply history.Based on the theory of user-friendly, a special group of engineering bacteria which produce T-VACCINE is used to create a brand-new "band-aid" serving as a guardian of our health .We have found a kind of transdermal peptide TD-1,a magical molecule that enhances the permeability of the skin as well as draw filamentous bacteriophages into the skin.By combining the gene fragments of antigen,immune adjuvant LTB and Luman-recruiting factor TNLFα with that of the TD-1, our team got the permeable fusion protein. In order to obtain large amount of extracelluar protein, we chose bacillus subtilis WB800N as our expression chassis. Further more, the universality of our experimental method is verified by the adoption of various antigen of existing vaccine, such as HBsAg, PA and AG85B.
<h2><a href="http://2013.igem.org/Team:Virginia">Virginia</a>: Minicells: Multi-Purpose Nano Chassis</h2>
<h4>Foundational Advance Track</h4>
<strong>Abstract:</strong> Overexpression of the tubulin-homolog FtsZ leads to asymmetric cell division in E. coli that yields achromosomal "minicells." The lack of a chromosome renders minicells unable to replicate and cause infection, yet they still retain and express plasmid genes. Furthermore, minicells inherit the stable, non-leaky membranes and cytosolic composition from their parent cell. Our project design is centered on the creation of an IPTG-inducible FtsZ Biobrick that permits tunable overexpression for optimal minicell production. With the development of a multi-purpose, innocuous bacterial chassis as our ultimate goal, we incorporated three additional safety elements: the Ail protein, a polysialic acid capsule and de-acylated lipopolysaccharide. Both Ail and the PSA capsule serve to prevent complement deposition on the surface of the minicells, with PSA also protecting against antibody opsonization. Finally, LPS toxicity is reduced by inducing minicell formation in an lpxM mutant strain that lacks a critical myristoyl transferase for late-stage acyl modifications.

Latest revision as of 21:17, 28 June 2017