File list

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
03:47, 18 October 2021 T--NUS Singapore---Comparison of mKO expression over time in complete darkness.png (file) 238 KB   2
03:51, 18 October 2021 T--NUS Singapore--Expression of C120 controlled mKO from an episomal plasmid.png (file) 229 KB   1
03:55, 18 October 2021 T--NUS Singapore--Promoter constructs for testing NLS-VP16-EL222’s utility as a repression factor.png (file) 55 KB   1
03:58, 18 October 2021 T--NUS Singapore--Construct tested with NLS-VP16-EL222 expressed from an episomal plasmid.png (file) 34 KB   3
03:59, 18 October 2021 T--NUS Singapore--BY4741 wildtype compared to BY4741 containing pC120-promoter.png (file) 52 KB   2
04:04, 18 October 2021 T--NUS Singapore--RFU measured for pRepress-1 without NLS-VP16-EL222.png (file) 136 KB   1
04:06, 18 October 2021 T--NUS Singapore--pRepress-2 construct expressed alongside NLS-VP16-EL222.png (file) 105 KB   1