File list

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
17:29, 12 October 2017 T--Cardiff Wales--Instagram.jpg (file) 5 KB Instagram logo 1
17:29, 12 October 2017 T--Cardiff Wales--Twitter.png (file) 8 KB Twitter logo 1
17:29, 12 October 2017 T--Cardiff Wales--Eppendorflogo.png (file) 41 KB Eppendorf logo 1
17:30, 12 October 2017 T--Cardiff Wales--NEBlogo.png (file) 14 KB NEB logo 1
17:30, 12 October 2017 T--Cardiff Wales--MerckLogo.jpg (file) 331 KB Merck Logo 1
17:30, 12 October 2017 T--Cardiff Wales--BBSRCLogo.jpg (file) 332 KB BBSRC Logo 1
17:31, 12 October 2017 T--Cardiff Wales--GilsonLogo.png (file) 9 KB Gilson Logo 1
17:31, 12 October 2017 T--Cardiff Wales--Microbiologysocietylogo.jpg (file) 31 KB Microbiology society Logo 1
17:32, 12 October 2017 T--Cardiff Wales--StratechLogo.png (file) 18 KB Stratech logo 1
17:32, 12 October 2017 T--Cardiff Wales--SEBLogo.png (file) 15 KB SEB logo 1
17:33, 12 October 2017 T--Cardiff Wales--CardiffUniLogo.png (file) 3 KB Cardiff University Logo 1
18:13, 19 October 2017 T--Cardiff Wales--Amit.png (file) 359 KB A photo of one Dr. Amit Jathoul, one of our supervisors. 1
09:56, 5 October 2018 35S+RTBV GUS NosT results.png (file) 825 KB Can't rename file. Used for Part:BBa K2810002:Experience Part:BBa P10101:Experience 3
09:57, 5 October 2018 35S+RTBV mCherry NosT results.png (file) 1.12 MB Can't rename file. Used for: Part:BBa K2810002:Experience Part:BBa K2810009:Experience Part:BBa P10101:Experience 2
09:58, 5 October 2018 RTBV eGFP quantification results.png (file) 1.62 MB Can't rename file. Used for: Part:BBa K2810002:Experience 2
09:58, 5 October 2018 GUS Promoter+Terminator assays.png (file) 2.33 MB Can't rename file. Used for: Part:BBa K2810001:Experience 2
09:59, 5 October 2018 MCherry CodonOptimisedForTobacco InBactera.png (file) 770 KB Can't rename file. Used for: Part:BBa K2810009:Experience 2
10:00, 5 October 2018 GUS terminator assay Nos 35S G7.png (file) 1.54 MB Can't rename file. Used for: Part:BBa P10400:Experience Part:BBa P10401:Experience Part:BBa P10402:Experience 2
10:07, 5 October 2018 BBa K2810001 results.png (file) 2.33 MB Results using our GUS reporter gene. 1
10:09, 5 October 2018 BBa K2810002 OR BBa P10101 AND K2810001 results.png (file) 825 KB 35S and RTBV quantification when using the GUS reporter gene 1
10:13, 5 October 2018 BBa K2810002 OR BBa P10101 AND K2810009 results.png (file) 1.12 MB 35S or RTBV promoter quantified by mCherry 1
10:15, 5 October 2018 BBa K2810002+eGFP results.png (file) 1.62 MB RTBV promoter quantified by eGFP 1
10:19, 5 October 2018 BBa K2810009 inBacteria.png (file) 770 KB mCherry being expressed in bacteria. 1
10:21, 5 October 2018 BBa K2810001 with BBa P10400 OR BBa P10401 OR BBa P10402.png (file) 1.54 MB GUS reporter gene with either 35S, Nos, or G7 terminator. 1
11:21, 16 October 2018 BBa K281011 results Cardiff.png (file) 167 KB Results of the composite mCherry part in E. coli 1