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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
02:01, 28 September 2022 Model of pel regulation under the FleQ.jpeg (file) 57 KB FleQ binds to two FleQ boxes on the pel promoter (A). FleQ interacts with FleN in the absence of ATP (B) as well as in the presence of ATP, but in this case, it induces a distortion of pel DNA (C). We propose that FleN forms a bridge between two FleQ b... 1
13:03, 30 September 2022 Blast result of our site-removed FleQ.png (file) 190 KB   1
14:36, 30 September 2022 Blast the result of our site-removed FleQ.png (file) 292 KB   1
03:20, 1 October 2022 The structrue of the YhjH.png (file) 66 KB   1
03:55, 1 October 2022 YhjH overexpression consequence.png (file) 191 KB   1
04:13, 1 October 2022 BL21 YhjH.png (file) 10 KB   1
04:13, 1 October 2022 BL21 WT.png (file) 9 KB   1
15:41, 8 October 2022 YedQ.png (file) 21 KB   1
02:14, 9 October 2022 PHYD-1.png (file) 46 KB   1
02:22, 9 October 2022 PHYD-1-1.png (file) 152 KB   1
03:02, 9 October 2022 PHYD-2.png (file) 143 KB   1
03:09, 9 October 2022 PHYD-3.png (file) 47 KB   1
05:13, 12 October 2022 PSB3C5-A3.png (file) 38 KB   1
12:10, 12 October 2022 Biofilm-MR1.png (file) 27 KB   1
12:20, 12 October 2022 PSB3C5-Biofilm.png (file) 31 KB   1