User talk:Rshetty

  • Develop a wiki template for every plasmid part page
  • What is the relevant hard information for plasmids?
  • Parameters are displayed in tables but stored in database
  • Can also display parameters via wiki tags
  • Keep the hierarchy flat as much as possible
  • Help information should be redundant as needed. Show up in help pages and in part catalog pages.


  • most terminators are pretty leaky
  • recombination when there are multiple copies
  • Cassie's terminators - give credit for the work and personalize the work
  • not very good terminators - everything but B0015
  • how should we group terminators? by unidirectional, bidirectional, by person


  • organizing of parts - take all coding regions and remove start codons and stop codons ... rework everything for protein fusions

DNA distributions

  • Where does the DNA go?
  • Recovery of DNA from distributions.