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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
17:15, 21 October 2021 T--HZAU-China--BBa K3733031 img1.png (file) 54 KB   1
17:08, 21 October 2021 T--HZAU-China--BBa K3733019 img1.png (file) 58 KB   1
17:00, 21 October 2021 T--HZAU-China--BBa K3733018 img1.png (file) 56 KB   1
16:54, 21 October 2021 T--HZAU-China--BBa K3733016 img1.png (file) 54 KB   1
17:00, 20 October 2021 Changes in particle size and zeta potential during ELP aggregation.jpg (file) 6 KB A) The particle size of the ELP aggregate changes. The particle size is around 10 nm before 44℃, then it reaches 100 nm or more at 44℃, and thereafter it rises sharply. B) Changes in zeta potential of ELP aggregates. The change is relatively flat b... 1