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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
10:30, 18 October 2010 Team-SDU-denmarkBetacarotene standarts and stationary samples.png (file) 27 KB Graph of the stationary phases expersion of beta-carotene by wild strain MG1655 E. coli and top 10 E. coli cells with standarts solutions of beta-carotene 1
10:28, 18 October 2010 Beatcarotene standarts and stationary samples.png (file) 27 KB Graph of the stationary phases expersion of beta-carotene by wild strain MG1655 E. coli and top 10 E. coli cells with standarts solutions of beta-carotene 1
17:53, 30 August 2010 Team-SDU-denmarkBeta-carotene.jpg (file) 82 KB Graph of the stationary phases expersion of beta-carotene by wild strain MG1655 E. coli and top 10 E. coli cells with standarts solutions of beta-carotene 1