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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
23:22, 28 September 2012 Tecmty derfsds.jpg (file) 205 KB   2
00:31, 20 October 2011 Esta autotransporter real.png (file) 328 KB Fig. 1. Overall structure of the full-length EstA AT. (a) Backbone representation viewed from the side, with the protein colored by a gradient from blue at the N-terminus to red at the C-terminus. Strands S1 and S12 are indicated, with an arrow highlighti 1
16:05, 17 October 2011 Graficamin03.png (file) 28 KB Sacc enzymatic activity results 1
15:59, 17 October 2011 Grafica02thelma.png (file) 35 KB REsults regaring cellulase 1
15:57, 17 October 2011 Graficathelma01.png (file) 38 KB Results regardin activity messurments. 1
15:20, 17 October 2011 Esta autotransporter.png (file) 313 KB Three Dimensional Structure of the "Esta" Membrane Protein, including its esterease translocated domain. Van Den Berg, B. (2010). Crystal structure of a full-length autotransporter. Journal of Molecular Biology, 396(3), 627-633. Elsevier Ltd. Retrieved f 2
15:01, 17 October 2011 Celd chart.png (file) 93 KB Several Mutations and their effect on CelD activity are described. Yellow marks, the one we used. 1