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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
20:13, 20 October 2016 BBa K1897011 Invasin Composite WB.png (file) 174 KB Induction of invasin with pLuxR. The bacteria was co-transformed with <partinfo>BBa_K1897017</partinfo> and <partinfo>BBa_K1897008</partinfo>, and and invasin protein induction was done by adding 100 μM of N-(3-oxo-hexanoyl)-homoserine lactone (AHL) t... 1
19:58, 18 October 2016 BBa K1897013 LLO Composite.png (file) 190 KB Gel electrophoresis photo for the screening of positive colonies with the composite LLO plasmid. A restriction enzyme (RE) digestion was performed using EcoRI and PstI on the individual plasmids. The expected band size for LLO was around 1895 bp and it... 1
11:19, 16 October 2016 BBa K1897015 LuxR+LuxI Western Blot.png (file) 39 KB   4
11:10, 16 October 2016 BBa K1897016 LuxR+GFP graph.png (file) 30 KB GFP quantifications of construct 1+5 for 6 hours is shown with or without AHL incubation. 1
11:08, 16 October 2016 BBa K1897016 LuxR+GFP v2.png (file) 121 KB   2
10:39, 16 October 2016 BBa K1897008 LuxR Western Blot.png (file) 103 KB Western Blot photo for detection of LuxR via anti-HA antibodies 1
20:23, 15 October 2016 BBa K1897016 LuxR+GFP.png (file) 2.54 MB Induction of GFP production with/without AHL. Top: Green fluorescence microscopy images of LuxR+GFP bacteria (from left to right) of control (0 μm AHL added) and with 100 μm AHL added. Bottom: Bright field fluorescence microscopy images of LuxR+GFP b... 1
18:17, 15 October 2016 BBa K1897015 LuxR+I Composite and BBa K1897017 Inv+GFP Composite.png (file) 522 KB In order to check that the 3A ligation was successful for luxR+luxI as well as invasin+GFP, a restriction enzyme (RE) digestion was performed using EcoRI and SpeI on the individual plasmids. The boxed up fragments in the gel photo indicates the correct... 1
14:00, 15 October 2016 BBa K1897014 GFP Composite.png (file) 58 KB The overlap PCR to stitch the GFP fragment with the front and terminator fragments was successful as seen from the observed band size which is close to the expected band size of 993 bp (Box A). 1
11:52, 15 October 2016 BBa K1897011 Invasin Composite.png (file) 75 KB Colony screening was done to identify the transformed clones that consisted of the plasmid with invasin. As seen in the gel picture, colonies 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8 had the desired band size of around 3313 bp (Box A). 1
07:26, 14 October 2016 BBa K1897009 LuxI Composite.png (file) 50 KB DNA gel electrophoresis photo showing successful overlap PCR to stitch the LuxI fragment with the front and terminator fragments. This can be seen from the observed band size which is close to the expected band size of 936 bp (Box A). 1
06:24, 14 October 2016 BBa K1897008 LuxR.png (file) 132 KB Overlap PCR to stitch the LuxR fragment with front and terminator fragments was successful as seen from the observed band size (approximately 1000 bp) for the complete composite LuxR, which is close to the expected band size of 1034 bp (Box B). Each la... 2