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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
12:37, 18 September 2015 GFP.png (file) 44 KB   1
15:21, 17 September 2015 In vivo.png (file) 51 KB   1
15:30, 11 September 2015 Promot su RBS1.png (file) 179 KB   1
15:24, 11 September 2015 Promot su RBS.png (file) 180 KB   1
14:43, 10 September 2015 Cascade mutageneze.png (file) 127 KB   1
14:21, 10 September 2015 PCDF-Cascade I-F (Aa) Map.png (file) 102 KB   1
14:15, 9 September 2015 Cas3 2.png (file) 267 KB Figure 2. Restriction analysis of Cas3 mutagenesis second run. K - undigested Wild type Cas3 plasmid. E - digested with EcoRI; X - digested with XbaI; P - digested with PstI. 1
13:58, 9 September 2015 Cas3 genolapis1.png (file) 87 KB Wild type Cas3 plasmid map. There are two restriction sites for each restriction enzyme all in close proximity. Restriction sites inside the gene were mutated. 1
13:57, 9 September 2015 Cas3 genolapis.png (file) 88 KB Wild type Cas3 plasmid map. There are two restriction sites for each restriction enzyme all in close proximity. Restriction sites inside the gene were mutated. 1
12:28, 9 September 2015 Cas3 1.png (file) 656 KB Restriction with EcoRI (E), XbaI (X) and PstI (P) of Wild type (WT) Cas3 gene compared to mutated Cas3 genes. The first mutant plasmid has two successful mutations, whereas the second mutant plasmid only has one successfully mutated restriction site. 1