File list

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
13:34, 19 October 2016 T--MIT--EGSHflowchart.png (file) 48 KB Flow chart of the pEGSH characterization experiment. 1
13:26, 19 October 2016 T--MIT--EGSH.png (file) 113 KB Characterization of the EGSH promoter. 1
12:21, 19 October 2016 T--MIT--TRE.png (file) 46 KB TRE characterization graph. 1
18:29, 16 October 2016 T--MIT--hEF1a.png (file) 255 KB Graph of hEF1a-mKate vs. hEF1a-eYFP fluorescence. 1
18:16, 16 October 2016 T--MIT--hEF1agraph.pdf (file) 226 KB Graph of hEF1a-mKate vs. hEF1a-eYFP fluorescence. 1
18:14, 16 October 2016 T--MIT--hef1aexperience.pdf (file) 226 KB Graph of hEF1a-mKate fluorescence vs. hEF1a-eYFP. 1
18:02, 10 October 2016 T--MIT--attractenehef1aeyfp.png (file) 783 KB Transfection optimization of hEF1a-eYFP in HEK293 using attractene. 1
17:15, 10 October 2016 T--MIT--hEF1aeYFP Viafect Optimization.png (file) 5.24 MB Transfection optimization with viafect. Transfected the hEF1a-eYFP construct into HEK293 cells. 1
17:08, 10 October 2016 T--MIT--hEF1aeYFP Attractene Optimization.jpg (file) 783 KB Transfection Optimization for hEF1a-eYFP in HEK293 cells using Attractene as the transfection reagent. 1