File list

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
20:25, 5 October 2011 PekingR parts AG TPP2.50.jpg (file) 59 KB   1
18:33, 5 October 2011 PekingR parts theo Growth curve.png (file) 36 KB   2
17:06, 5 October 2011 PekingR parts P1G1 AG.jpg (file) 29 KB   1
15:18, 5 October 2011 PekingR parts exp data.jpg (file) 712 KB   1
15:17, 5 October 2011 PekingR parts theo system.png (file) 173 KB   1
15:16, 5 October 2011 PekingR parts theo 1G1 2D.jpg (file) 573 KB   1
15:10, 5 October 2011 PekingR parts theo PIG1 2D.jpg (file) 578 KB   1
14:56, 5 October 2011 PekingR parts theo 1G1 2D.PNG (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Invalid thumbnail parameters
1.07 MB   1
14:55, 5 October 2011 PekingR parts theoP1G1 2D.PNG (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Invalid thumbnail parameters
1.06 MB   2
14:52, 5 October 2011 PekingR parts Fold-1G1&P1G1.jpg (file) 264 KB   1
14:51, 5 October 2011 PekingR parts theo1G1 3D.png (file) 209 KB   1
08:02, 5 October 2011 PekingR parts TPP1.20 pic.jpg (file) 25 KB   1
06:56, 5 October 2011 PekingR parts Theo P1G1 AG pic.jpg (file) 28 KB   1
04:33, 5 October 2011 PekingR parts AG with ribocontroller.png (file) 822 KB   1
04:30, 5 October 2011 PekingR parts AGmodel-strength.png (file) 239 KB   1
04:28, 5 October 2011 PekingR parts AG plasmid&mechanism.jpg (file) 566 KB   1
04:25, 5 October 2011 PekingR parts AND gate pic.jpg (file) 74 KB   1