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20:12, 21 September 2011 Znfpcdna.jpg (file) 27 KB   1
19:50, 21 September 2011 Ecdznf.jpg (file) 49 KB   2
19:41, 21 September 2011 Cd38 psb1c3.jpg (file) 49 KB   1
19:32, 21 September 2011 Adrp pcdna.jpg (file) 59 KB   1
18:52, 21 September 2011 Adrp-psb1c3.jpg (file) 75 KB   1
18:45, 21 September 2011 Gal4NHR64psbandpcdna.jpg (file) 32 KB Gel picture of Gal4-NHR64 fusion part in pSB1C3 and in pCDNA3.1 expression vector. 1
18:41, 21 September 2011 Bax effect.jpg (file) 36 KB The action of Bax protein in programmed cell death. 1
11:30, 21 September 2011 Znfact.jpg (file) 32 KB Zinc finger protein competes with endogenous RAR in the presence of RAR agonist ligand. The numbers show the ratio between the ZN-FINGERS and the buffer plasmids: 1.ZN-FINGERS:buffer plasmids-1:8; 2.ZN-FINGERS:buffer plasmids-1:2; 3.Only ZN-FINGERS. 2
11:26, 21 September 2011 Znf.jpg (file) 32 KB Zinc finger protein competes with endogenous RAR without RAR agonist ligand. The numbers show the ratio between the ZN-FINGERS and the buffer plasmids: 1.ZN-FINGERS:buffer plasmids-1:8; 2.ZN-FINGERS:buffer plasmids-1:2; 3.Only ZN-FINGERS. 2
07:44, 21 September 2011 Nhr8.jpg (file) 33 KB Activation of NHR8 to Blesse bleu cheese extract. 1
07:39, 21 September 2011 Nhr64.jpg (file) 61 KB Activation of Gal-NHR8 and Gal-NHR64 to oil sand extractions. 1
07:36, 21 September 2011 Nhr64and8cosoil.png (file) 61 KB Activation of Gal-NHR8 and Gal-NHR64 to oil sand extractions 1
21:30, 20 September 2011 VP16ready.jpg (file) 190 KB Picture of gel electrophoresis: VP 16 could not be cleaved with NgoMIV. 1
18:58, 11 September 2011 Bax dapi.jpg (file) 42 KB Picture of DAPI staining: The nuclear fragmentation was clearly visible by Hoechst staining, which is a known marker of apoptosis. 1
18:42, 11 September 2011 Bax wb.jpg (file) 33 KB Picture of Western blot: Bax is highly expressed in the expression vector created from pSB1A3 1
20:07, 5 September 2011 Bax rest.jpg (file) 27 KB Picture of gel electrophoresis: TRE-Gal4-PXR-PolyA in pSB1A3 results a new expression vector from standard Biobrick parts. 3
07:55, 27 October 2010 Interact 3.jpg (file) 269 KB   2
07:50, 27 October 2010 PcdnaER2.jpg (file) 24 KB Test of pCDNA-GAL4-ER-LBD activity 1
07:48, 27 October 2010 ER2.jpg (file) 24 KB   2
07:42, 27 October 2010 PXR, Ecr2.jpg (file) 39 KB   1
17:39, 26 October 2010 Team Debrecen WB pCDNA-Gal4-NHR31.jpg (file) 20 KB Picture of Western blot: Gal4-NHR31 composite construct is highly expressed after transferring it into pCDNA3.1 1
17:34, 26 October 2010 Team Debrecen WB pCDNA-Gal4-NHR8.jpg (file) 20 KB Picture of Western blot: Gal4-NHR8 composite construct is highly expressed after transferring it into pCDNA3.1 1
17:20, 26 October 2010 Team Debrecen WB pSB1A3-TRE-Gal4-EcR-PolyA2.jpg (file) 20 KB Picture of Western blot: Gal4-EcR composite construct is highly expressed in the expression vector created from pSB1A3 1
16:53, 26 October 2010 Team Debrecen WB pCDNA-Gal4-EcR2.jpg (file) 20 KB Picture of Western blot: Gal4-EcR composite construct is expressed after transferring it into pCDNA3.1 1
16:44, 26 October 2010 Team Debrecen WB pSB1A3-TRE-Gal4-PXR-PolyA2.jpg (file) 20 KB Picture of Western blot: Gal4-PXR composite construct is highly expressed in the expression vector created from pSB1A3 1
16:35, 26 October 2010 Team Debrecen WB pCDNA-Gal4-PXR 2.jpg (file) 15 KB Picture of Western blot: Gal4-PXR composite construct is highly expressed after transferring it into pCDNA3.1 1
18:01, 25 October 2010 Team Debrecen WB pSB1A3-TRE-Gal4-EcR-PolyA.jpg (file) 15 KB Picture of Western blot: Gal4-EcR composite construct is expressed in the expression vector created from pSB1A3 2
17:49, 25 October 2010 Team Debrecen WB pSB1A3-TRE-Gal4-PXR-PolyA.jpg (file) 17 KB Gal4-PXR composite construct is highly expressed in the expression vector created from pSB1A3 1
17:40, 25 October 2010 Team Debrecen WB pCDNA-Gal4-EcR.jpg (file) 17 KB Picture of Western blot: Gal4-EcR is highly expressed after transferring it into pCDNA3.1 1
17:32, 25 October 2010 Team Debrecen WB pCDNA-Gal4-PXR.jpg (file) 19 KB   1
13:30, 25 October 2010 Team Debrecen pSB1C3-Gal4.jpg (file) 12 KB Picture of gel electrophoresis: Gal4 in pSB2C3 1
13:22, 25 October 2010 Team Debrecen pSB1C3-Ecr LBD.jpg (file) 12 KB Picture of gel electrophoresis: EcR LBD in pSB1C3 1
19:07, 24 October 2010 Team Debrecen pSB1C3-NHR64.jpg (file) 13 KB Picture of gel electrophoresis: NHR-64 in pSB1C3 1
18:25, 24 October 2010 Team Debrecen pSB1C3-NHR25.jpg (file) 14 KB Picture of gel electrophoresis: NHR-25 in pSB1C3 2
17:44, 24 October 2010 Team Debrecen pSB1C3-NHR23.jpg (file) 19 KB Picture of gel electrophoresis: NHR23 in pSB1C3 1
14:38, 24 October 2010 Team Debrecen pCDNA-Gal4-DAF12.jpg (file) 12 KB Picture of gel electrophoresis: Gal4-DAF12 in pCDNA3.1 1
13:35, 24 October 2010 Team Debrecen pSB1C3-Gal4-PXR.jpg (file) 19 KB Picture of gel electrophoresis: Gal4-PXR LBD in pSB1C3 1
10:14, 24 October 2010 Team Debrecen pCDNA-Gal4-PXR.jpg (file) 11 KB Picture of gel electrophoresis: Gal4-PXR in pCDNA3.1 1
08:28, 24 October 2010 Team Debrecen pSB1C3-ER DBD-VDRh-ER LBD.jpg (file) 19 KB Picture of gel electrophoresis: ER DBD-VDR hinge-ER LBD in pSB1C3 1
19:59, 23 October 2010 Team Debrecen pSB1A3-TRE-PolyA.jpg (file) 33 KB Picture of gel electrophoresis: TRE-CMV-PolyA in pSB1A3 2
19:32, 23 October 2010 Team Debrecen pSB1C3-TRE-PolyA.jpg (file) 27 KB   2
18:09, 23 October 2010 Team Debrecen TRE.jpg (file) 24 KB Picture of gel electrophoresis: TRE-CMV in pSB1C3 2
17:59, 23 October 2010 Team Debrecen pSB1A3-TRE-Gal4-PXR-PolyA.jpg (file) 20 KB   1
15:32, 23 October 2010 Team Debrecen pSB1A3-TRE-Gal4-EcR-PolyA.jpg (file) 46 KB   1
14:16, 23 October 2010 Team Debrecen PolyA.jpg (file) 14 KB Picture of gel electrophoresis: PolyA in pSB1C3 2
13:28, 23 October 2010 Team Debrecen 20101008.jpg (file) 15 KB   2
13:24, 23 October 2010 20101008.jpg (file) 18 KB Picture of gel electrophoresis: hBAX in pSB1C3 3
09:04, 23 October 2010 Team Debrecen 20101004.jpg (file) 7 KB TRE and PolyA in pSB1A3 2
08:47, 23 October 2010 Team Debrecen 20100929.jpg (file) 7 KB TRE and PolyA in pSB1C3 1
08:30, 23 October 2010 Team Debrecen 20101010.jpg (file) 4 KB   1
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