File list

This special page shows all uploaded files.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
01:07, 18 October 2014 Rotatingdevice22.gif (file) 1.56 MB rotating device asdfasdf 1
01:05, 18 October 2014 RotatingDeviceGIF.gif (file) 1.56 MB   1
21:35, 17 October 2014 MNigemupscale.jpg (file) 15 KB   1
21:22, 17 October 2014 StephenHeinsch2.jpeg (file) 123 KB   1
21:21, 17 October 2014 NikoLeMieux2.jpg (file) 117 KB   1
03:15, 13 October 2014 MerT gene.jpg (file) 88 KB A diagram showing MerT, a component of the mercuric reductase ''mer'' operon. 1
03:03, 13 October 2014 MerB gene.jpg (file) 88 KB This is a diagram of MerB, a component of the ''mer'' mercury reducatase operon. 1
02:56, 13 October 2014 MerR gene.jpg (file) 86 KB A diagram of MerR, a gene in the mer Mercury reductase operon. 1
02:49, 13 October 2014 MerP gene.jpg (file) 89 KB This is a figure describing MerP, a periplasmic mercury transport protein in the mer operon. 1
23:39, 9 October 2014 MNiGEM ZOI MerP.jpg (file) 490 KB Zone of Inhibition Assay for MerP 1
23:34, 9 October 2014 MNiGEM ZOI MerP.tif (file) 1.14 MB Zone of Inhibition Assay for MerP 1