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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
03:58, 4 October 2012 Rhamnose part test.png (file) 109 KB   2
03:32, 4 October 2012 TrpA Complementation Test No fluor.png (file) 107 KB This graph shows the ability of the BBa_K804008 to complement an E. coli TrpA knockout under varying concentrations of arabinose. 1
02:53, 4 October 2012 MetA complementation no fluor.png (file) 96 KB This graph shows the growth of a MetA knockout complemented by an arabinose inducible MetA gene, and shows increased growth with greater amounts of arabinose. 1
02:31, 4 October 2012 MetA complementation.png (file) 161 KB This graph shows the OD600 vs time for the metA auxotroph growing with only a fluorescent protein in a plasmid and with the arabinose inducible metA gene. 1