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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
21:47, 20 October 2021 Lac operon operation.jpeg (file) 26 KB Diagram of the operon model (1). 1
21:30, 20 October 2021 Transaldolase BBa K4047034 Homology.png (file) 613 KB NCBI blast results for the transaldolase BBa_K4047034 part sequence, showing current recognized homology to other organisms. 1
21:22, 20 October 2021 Synecococcus Growth Given tal or Fbpase.jpeg (file) 121 KB Growth of Synechococcus elongatus cells when induced to overexpress transaldolase or fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase compared to wild type cells, as recorded in the MiamiU_OH 2021 project. 1
20:18, 20 October 2021 Gentamicin Resistance in Synechococcus.png (file) 1,010 KB Image of colony growth on a gentamicin-containing BG11 plate in the MiamiU_OH 2021 project, displaying integration of the plasmid backbone and functional expression of this resistance gene. 1
17:10, 20 October 2021 Kanamycin Resistance in Synechococcus Experience.png (file) 673 KB Image of resulting growth on kanamycin-containing plates after transformation with a plasmid containing the kanamycin resistance gene, part BBa K4047019. 1
03:49, 16 October 2021 NucleotideBlast PCC7942 fbp.png (file) 302 KB Nucleotide Blast results (Oct 2021) for the fbp gene in Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 1