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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
21:51, 31 October 2017 5plasmidresult.jpg (file) 1.4 MB SynORI 5 plasmid co-transformation results 1 - No trigger 1 (control). 2 - No trigger 2 (control). 3 - No lambda activator plasmid (control). 4 - Full System: lambda activator plasmid; toehold 1 alpha-neo; toehold 2 beta-neo; trigger 1; trigger 2. 1
21:29, 31 October 2017 5plasmid.png (file) 150 KB The schematic representation of 5 plasmid SynORI selection system. First plasmid constantly expresses lambda, the activator of the modified phage promoter, which controls the expression of the Trigger 1 and 2. The Triggers unlock the translation of spl... 1
21:14, 31 October 2017 4plasmid.png (file) 80 KB The schematic representation of 4 plasmid SynORI selection system. First 2 plasmids constantly express Toehold 1 and 2 which are coupled with the split antibiotic alpha and beta subunits but has its translation locked. Trigger 1 and 2 are constantly ex... 1
17:13, 31 October 2017 Alfabeta.jpg (file) 4.05 MB 2 vectors with constant expression of alpha and beta subunits were co-transformed into TG1 competent cells and plated on agar with kanamycin antibiotic 1
12:09, 31 October 2017 Toehold.png (file) 25 KB Toehold switches repress translation through base pairs programmed before and after the start codon (AUG), leaving the RBS and start codon regions completely unpaired. The toehold domain a binds to a complementary a* domain on the trigger RNA ant initi... 1