File list

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
11:12, 21 October 2019 T--NUDT CHINA--hsaGlucagon-design .jpg (file) 164 KB   2
07:46, 21 October 2019 T--NUDT CHINA--part-hsa .jpg (file) 76 KB   1
07:25, 21 October 2019 T--NUDT CHINA--BBa K3064014-2 .jpg (file) 126 KB   5
05:32, 21 October 2019 T--NUDT CHINA--CHoRE-result.png (file) 66 KB   2
03:51, 21 October 2019 T--NUDT CHINA--part-CHoRE 1.jpg (file) 26 KB   1
08:52, 15 October 2019 T--NUDT CHINA--BBa K3064014-design2 .jpg (file) 33 KB   1
08:50, 15 October 2019 T--NUDT CHINA--BBa K3064014-design1 .jpg (file) 31 KB   1
05:26, 15 October 2019 T--NUDT CHINA--BBa K3064014 .jpg (file) 71 KB Figure 2. Functional evaluation of the GCGR degradation system in mouse primary hepatocytes HepG2 cells after 12h of liposome transfection. 1