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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
03:39, 28 September 2013 Fold GFP.jpg (file) 23 KB the comparison GFP fold of BBa_K1064002 and BBa_K1064003 in SOS respons toward DNA damage 2
03:17, 28 September 2013 PUV.jpg (file) 23 KB We use GFP generator (BBa_E0840) under the control pUV promotor (BBa_I765001) to detect DNA damage. Our team assemble both of part becoming a new part (BBa_K1064003). pUV promotor is a promotor that regulation SOS response, this promotor will active when 3
03:10, 28 September 2013 Psos.jpg (file) 39 KB We use GFP generator (BBa_E0840) under the control pSOS promotor (BBa_J22106) to detect DNA damage. Our team assemble both of part becoming a new part (BBa_K1064002). pSOS promotor is a promotor that regulation SOS response, this promotor will active when 1
21:34, 27 September 2013 PSOSGC 10 detik (fluoresens).jpg (file) 660 KB E. coli BL21(DE3) with part BBa_K1064002 with UV irradiation for 10 sec. There is green fluorescence detected. This picture is taken using fluorescence microscopy observation. 1
21:32, 27 September 2013 Kontrol pSOSGC (fluoresesns).jpg (file) 667 KB E. coli BL21(DE3) with part BBa_K1064002 without UV irradiation. This picture is taken using fluorescence microscopy observation. There is no green fluorescence detected. 1