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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
10:12, 16 October 2014 RNA strnad.PNG (file) 52 KB   1
09:30, 16 October 2014 MS2 action.PNG (file) 386 KB   1
09:20, 16 October 2014 SiRNA action.PNG (file) 435 KB   1
09:05, 16 October 2014 RdRp action.PNG (file) 526 KB   1
08:32, 16 October 2014 RNA world.PNG (file) 120 KB   1
07:14, 16 October 2014 Alzheimers brain.PNG (file) 165 KB   1
06:54, 16 October 2014 Ebola genome.PNG (file) 121 KB   1
23:34, 15 October 2014 T7 terminator.PNG (file) 22 KB   1
23:19, 15 October 2014 DG dppiv model.PNG (file) 2 KB   1
23:17, 15 October 2014 DC dppiv model.PNG (file) 2 KB   1
23:16, 15 October 2014 DT dppiv model.PNG (file) 3 KB   1
23:15, 15 October 2014 Rds dppiv model.PNG (file) 3 KB   1
23:13, 15 October 2014 DR dppiv model.PNG (file) 3 KB   1
20:46, 15 October 2014 Bar chart FoverOD.PNG (file) 92 KB   1
20:33, 15 October 2014 FoverOD IPTG.PNG (file) 129 KB   1
20:21, 15 October 2014 IPTG OD.PNG (file) 327 KB   1
19:58, 15 October 2014 IPTG flourescence over time.PNG (file) 219 KB   1
11:47, 13 October 2014 Aptazyme equaiton X.PNG (file) 1 KB   1
11:46, 13 October 2014 Aptazyme equation R.PNG (file) 1 KB   1
10:07, 13 October 2014 Aptazyme F over time.PNG (file) 59 KB   1
09:30, 12 October 2014 Aptazyme theophylline.PNG (file) 15 KB   1
09:08, 12 October 2014 EMCV theophylline.PNG (file) 13 KB   1
21:45, 11 October 2014 Forwards aptazyme.jpg (file) 261 KB   1
21:31, 11 October 2014 Replicon aptazyme.PNG (file) 11 KB   1
19:55, 11 October 2014 Aptazyme.jpg (file) 47 KB   1
17:37, 11 October 2014 Ires equation 2.PNG (file) 2 KB   1
17:34, 11 October 2014 Ires equation.PNG (file) 2 KB   1
16:49, 11 October 2014 IRES Huh.PNG (file) 12 KB   1
16:03, 11 October 2014 IRES in Hela.PNG (file) 14 KB   1
15:44, 11 October 2014 Flourescence over time IRES (2).PNG (file) 61 KB   1
13:35, 11 October 2014 Bar chart all IRES with error bars.PNG (file) 20 KB IRES bar chart with error bars 1
13:19, 11 October 2014 Table IRES.PNG (file) 15 KB IRES table with standard error bars 1
12:07, 11 October 2014 Nkrf.jpg (file) 122 KB   1
16:39, 7 October 2014 NKRF 2ndary structure.jpg (file) 44 KB NKRF relative efficiency 1
15:59, 7 October 2014 NKRF efficiency.jpg (file) 29 KB NKRF relative efficiency 1
15:07, 6 October 2014 Forward GFP Human.jpg (file) 192 KB GFP testing module 1
14:59, 6 October 2014 Replicon highlight IRES.PNG (file) 11 KB Replicon highlight IRES 1
14:54, 6 October 2014 Entre schematic of replicon.PNG (file) 12 KB Replicon 1
14:42, 6 October 2014 IRES schematic from paper (biotechniques).PNG (file) 52 KB EMCV IRES showing preffered and minimum regions 1
14:28, 6 October 2014 IRES RNAfold.PNG (file) 84 KB RNA fold prediction of EMCV IRES with Minimun free energy 1