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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
04:37, 2 November 2014 XylanaseCoomassieCircularizationShift.png (file) 386 KB   1
03:23, 2 November 2014 MainStabilityResult.png (file) 135 KB Plot showing the activity of linear and circular xylanase before and after heatshock. 1
20:37, 17 October 2014 Heatshockassay circular nonpurified xylanase.png (file) 55 KB   2
20:33, 17 October 2014 Heatshockassay linear nonpurified xylanas.png (file) 58 KB   1
17:39, 17 October 2014 Heatshockassay linear nonpurified xylanase.png (file) 94 KB Results of a heatshock assay for 30 minutes with linear Xylanases at different temperatures. 1