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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
10:55, 7 December 2015 Afp94 gfp-activity.png (file) 41 KB Activity of AFP94 protein (Part:BBa_M36631) in terms of chitin binding affinity. See Experience page of the part for more information. 1
10:52, 7 December 2015 Afp94 gfp-dose-response.png (file) 44 KB Dose response curve for afp94 gene expression (Part:BBa_M36631), measured in terms of fluorescence. The afp94 gene part was inserted into a pD441-CC vector (which contains a GFP-fusion reporter) from DNA2.0 and used to transform TOP10 E. coli. E. coli ce 1
10:27, 7 December 2015 Afp51 gfp-activity.png (file) 48 KB Activity of AFP51 protein (Part:BBa_M36630) in terms of chitin binding affinity. 1
10:20, 7 December 2015 Afp51 gfp dose response.png (file) 41 KB Dose response curve for afp51 gene expression (Part:BBa_M36630), measured in terms of fluorescence. The afp51 gene part was inserted into a pD441-CC vector (which contains a GFP-fusion reporter) from DNA2.0 and used to transform TOP10 E. coli. E. coli ce 1