File list

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
19:07, 21 September 2011 Freeze thaw graph.png (file) 9 KB   1
11:02, 21 September 2011 Freeze thaw pic.jpg (file) 73 KB   2
10:55, 16 September 2011 Csp graph.jpg (file) 10 KB Resize, because Image tag doesn't parse size specifications properly. 2
14:45, 29 July 2011 SheDnaK graph.GIF (file) 7 KB Size reduced to 60% of the original, to circumvent the fact [Image:*] doesn't respond properly to the ##px argument. 2
11:06, 29 July 2011 Cpn10-60 graphs.gif (file) 20 KB A figure from Ferrer et al. (2003) that grants insight into cpn10/60's effect on E. coli. Ferrer et al., "Chaperonins govern growth of Escherichia coli at low temperatures", Nature Biotechnology 21, 1266 - 1267 (2003) 1