File list

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
13:41, 26 October 2020 T--NEU CHINA--np47.png (file) 1,019 KB   1
13:27, 26 October 2020 T--NEU CHINA--hrp.png (file) 652 KB   1
11:48, 26 October 2020 PmrA-B to PmrA-PmrB ACE2.png (file) 1.02 MB   1
11:47, 26 October 2020 T--NEU CHINA--ACE2-S pro.jpeg (file) 63 KB   2
11:46, 26 October 2020 T--NEU CHINA--co-culture.png (file) 479 KB   2
02:05, 26 October 2020 T--NEU CHINA--ACE2 PmrCAB.jpeg (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Invalid thumbnail parameters
1.87 MB   1
02:00, 26 October 2020 T--NEU CHINA--ACE2PmrCAB.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Invalid thumbnail parameters
347 KB   2
16:45, 25 October 2020 T--NEU CHINA--ACE2 PmrCAB.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Invalid thumbnail parameters
347 KB   2
00:28, 25 October 2020 T--NEU CHINA--PmrCAB.png (file) 78 KB This is the schematic of the PmrA/PmrB two-component system. 1
01:55, 22 October 2020 T--NEU CHINA--Cascade Amplifier 2.png (file) 68 KB The cascade amplifier with TEVp-based protein degradation system. 1
01:53, 22 October 2020 T--NEU CHINA--mp137.png (file) 34 KB The cascade amplifier and its characterization graph. 1
01:49, 22 October 2020 T--NEU CHINA--Cascade amplifier in detail handled.png (file) 35 KB The schematic of our new-designed cascade amplifier. 2
01:38, 22 October 2020 T--NEU CHINA--Cascade amplifier in detail.png (file) 117 KB This is the schematic of our new-designed amplifier. 1