File list

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
11:23, 15 October 2019 T--SDU-Denmark--oriT time experiment-final.png (file) 19 KB The transmission of oriT-R and a conjugative plasmid over time. 1
11:17, 15 October 2019 T--SDU-Denmark--oriT F-plasmid-final.png (file) 10 KB Experiments on oriT-F through conjugation with an F'-plasmid 1
11:16, 15 October 2019 T--SDU-Denmark--oriT R-plasmid-final.png (file) 12 KB Experiments on oriT-R part through conjugation with different R-plasmids. 1
18:07, 14 October 2019 T--SDU-Denmark--OriTConjugation.png (file) 65 KB This figure depicts the proportion of recipient cells that have received either the plasmid containing the oriT-R (TN), the conjugative plasmid (TC), or both plasmids (TNC). 1
17:23, 14 October 2019 T--SDU-Denmark--TransferOfOriTTimeExperiment.png (file) 100 KB The figure depicts the transmission of two separate plasmids over time; one plasmid containing the oriT-R part and a conjugative plasmid. 1
16:16, 30 September 2019 T--SDU-Denmark--oriT optimization.png (file) 70 KB OriT was optimized using two different conjugative plasmids with compatible oriT sites. 1