File list

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
18:04, 1 November 2017 Manchesterigem17-adam-hannaford-team-photo.jpeg (file) 1.05 MB photo of Adam for team page 1
00:29, 1 November 2017 Manchesterigem17-high-tag1.png (file) 14 KB a circuit diagram of the part BBa_K2213008 1
00:21, 1 November 2017 Manchesterigem17-med-tag1.png (file) 16 KB A circuit diagram of the part BBa_K2213007 1
23:54, 31 October 2017 Manchesterigem17-low-tag1.png (file) 14 KB A circuit diagram of the low strength promoter-pduD-mcherry 1
21:58, 31 October 2017 4 hours final.jpeg (file) 120 KB   1
20:20, 31 October 2017 Manchesterigem17-IPTG-temp1.png (file) 105 KB A surface plot relating to BBa_K2213001 plotting IPTG concentration against temperature against EutM concentration per cell (GFP fluorescence/OD) 1
20:19, 31 October 2017 Manchesterigem17-Tet-temp1.png (file) 106 KB A surface plot relating to BBa_K2213001 plotting tetracycline concentration against temperature against EutM concentration per cell (GFP fluorescence/OD) 1
20:17, 31 October 2017 Manchesterigem17-IPTG-harvesttime1.png (file) 103 KB A surface plot relating to BBa_K2213001 plotting IPTG concentration against harvest time against EutM concentration per cell (GFP fluorescence/OD) 1
20:15, 31 October 2017 Manchesterigem17-tet-harvesttime1.png (file) 113 KB A surface plot relating to BBa_K2213001 plotting tetracycline concentration against harvest time against EutM concentration per cell (GFP fluorescence/OD) 1
22:10, 30 October 2017 Manchesterigem17-thermalshiftassay-ppk-mcherryppk-graph1.tiff (file) 361 KB tiff to png 2