
The stress kit was developed by the 2008 IIT Madras iGEM team


Members of the Stress Kit promoter collection are LacI repressible promoters that have been engineered to use two of the stress response σ factors (σ24, σ28, σ32, and σ38) from E. coli. The promoters are based on the LacO promoter designed by Lutz and Bujard, which contains two LacI binding sites, and σ70 boxes. Using published experimental and bioinformatics data, we generated 'hybrid' promoters in which the σ70 boxes were partially replaced with alternative σ boxes, with minimal disruption to the LacI binding sites. In this manner, four hybrid promoters were designed for each alternative σ factor. This collection was developed by the 2008 IIT Madras team.

Obtaining the StressKit promoter collection

The sequences of the Stress Kit promoters can be found via the table below. To obtain the physical DNA, we recommend two approaches -
Via de novo synthesis: Since the promoters are short sequences, they can be easily and cheaply ordered as two single-stranded complementary oligo's and annealed. See here for a tutorial on how to construct short parts via oligo annealing.

Via the Registry distribution: The promoters will be available in the 2009 Registry distribution.

The StressKit promoter collection

NameDescriptionPromoter SequencePositive
BBa_K086017unmodified Lutz-Bujard LacO promoter . . . ttgtgagcggataacaagatactgagcaca551209In stock
BBa_K086018modified Lutz-Bujard LacO promoter,with alternative sigma factor σ24 . . . ttgtgagcggataacaattctgaagaacaa551286Not in stock
BBa_K086019modified Lutz-Bujard LacO promoter,with alternative sigma factor σ24 . . . ttgtgagcggataacaattctgataaaaca551287Not in stock
BBa_K086020modified Lutz-Bujard LacO promoter,with alternative sigma factor σ24 . . . ttgtgagcggataacatctaaccctttaga551288Not in stock
BBa_K086021modified Lutz-Bujard LacO promoter,with alternative sigma factor σ24 . . . ttgtgagcggataacatagcagataagaaa551288Not in stock
BBa_K086022modified Lutz-Bujard LacO promoter,with alternative sigma factor σ28 . . . gtttgagcgagtaacgccgaaaatcttgca551282Not in stock
BBa_K086023modified Lutz-Bujard LacO promoter,with alternative sigma factor σ28 . . . gtgtgagcgagtaacgacgaaaatcttgca551295Not in stock
BBa_K086024modified Lutz-Bujard LacO promoter,with alternative sigma factor σ28 . . . tttgagcgagtaacagccgaaaatcttgca551295Not in stock
BBa_K086025modified Lutz-Bujard LacO promoter,with alternative sigma factor σ28 . . . tgtgagcgagtaacagccgaaaatcttgca551295Not in stock
BBa_K086026modified Lutz-Bujard LacO promoter,with alternative sigma factor σ32 . . . ttgtgagcgagtggcaccattaagtacgta551294Not in stock
BBa_K086027modified Lutz-Bujard LacO promoter,with alternative sigma factor σ32 . . . ttgtgagcgagtgacaccattaagtacgta551294Not in stock
BBa_K086028modified Lutz-Bujard LacO promoter,with alternative sigma factor σ32 . . . ttgtgagcgagtaacaccattaagtacgta551294Not in stock
BBa_K086029modified Lutz-Bujard LacO promoter,with alternative sigma factor σ32 . . . ttgtgagcgagtaacaccattaagtacgta551294Not in stock
BBa_K086030modified Lutz-Bujard LacO promoter,with alternative sigma factor σ38 . . . cagtgagcgagtaacaactacgctgtttta551294Not in stock
BBa_K086031modified Lutz-Bujard LacO promoter,with alternative sigma factor σ38 . . . cagtgagcgagtaacaactacgctgtttta551296Not in stock
BBa_K086032modified Lutz-Bujard LacO promoter,with alternative sigma factor σ38 . . . atgtgagcggataacactataattaataga551294Not in stock
BBa_K086033modified Lutz-Bujard LacO promoter,with alternative sigma factor σ38 . . . atgtgagcggataacactataattaataga551294Not in stock





The Stresskit was developed by the IIT Madras iGEM team from 2008.