Help:Sequence Analysis Sequence Analysis

Confirmed - The prefix and suffix is correct. The part matches the specified sequence.

Long Part - The prefix and suffix is correct. The part is visibly correct, however due to the limited length of the sequencing reads, the middle of the part is not covered

Partially Confirmed - The prefix and suffix is correct. An error may be present, but cannot be determined. (Quality of read may be poor; One read may show an error, while the other read cannot confirm it)

Incompatible - The prefix and/or suffix is incorrect. The part matches the specified sequence.

Inconsistent - The part does not match the sequence (as proved by both reads). The prefix and/or suffix may be incorrect.

Questionable - The part may or

Bad Sequencing - The sequencing reads are bad (poor quality).

No Target Part -

No Part Sequence - The sequence of the part has not been specified.

None -