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Transposons are sequences of DNA that can move around to different positions within the genome of a single cell. Together with transposases, transposons make up transposomes. Transposomes are frequently used to construct gene knockouts in living cells which can be helpful for identifying essential genes.

TomKnightPhoto.jpg Tom Knight, from MIT CSAIL, designed and constructed two of the transposon parts listed below.
JCA Photo.png
Chris Anderson, a professor of bioengineering at UC Berkeley, designed and constructed two of the transposon parts listed below.

BBa_K1973006miniTn7BB-Gm-nahR-Psal-lapG . . . gggttcccggccgagccggtttactaataa6106
BBa_K4235002pFastBac-Htb_miniTn7 . . . acgcttatttgcagcctgaatggcgaatgg4956
BBa_K4235010mini-attTn7 segment: Tn7R+GmR circuit+Polyhedrin+PROS1+SV40+Tn7L . . . cccagttcccaactattttgtccgcccaca3224
BBa_K4235026Tn7R: Right end of the Tn7 transposon segment . . . gtggccaagggcatggtaaagactatattc225
BBa_K4235027Tn7L: Left end of the Tn7 transposon segment . . . cccagttcccaactattttgtccgcccaca166
BBa_K510000pUC18Sfi-miniTn7BB-Gm . . . gatttctggaattcgcggccgcttctagag4388
BBa_M1000Left mosaic end for Tn5 transpososomecagctgtctcttatacacatct22
BBa_M1001Right mosaic end for Tn5 transpososomeagatgtgtataagagacagctg22


Given the huge number of articles available on transposons, we've included only review articles here. <biblio>

  1. Suzuki pmid=18491037
  2. Maloy pmid=17352910
  3. Kirby pmid=17352911
  4. Haniford pmid=17092825
