Help:Availability and usefulness

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The single-letter codes on the Part tables represent "availability" and "usefulness". Parts are often organized within a part table according to these flags.

Remember that just because a part is not "available" does not mean it's not useful! Each part has documented sequence information which can allow you to order the gene to be synthesized and information on the biology of the part.

Letter Code Definitions

The definitions for the codes are defined below: Availability and usefulness.png

More about these labels

  • Available: Simply put, does this part exist in the Registry? If not, then please send them in!
  • Working: At some time, for someone, this part has been verified to be functional. Details on how a part works should be documented under the experience tab.
  • Deleted:You can delete parts from all lists, but you will still be able to jump to these parts.

For example...

Example: The parts in the table below have availability: "Available" and the parts are usefulness: "Working" Example table.png